Jonathan recently received this letter from...
Scarborough Pregnancy Crisis Centre - January 2010 update
We would like to thank all our supporters through the previous year. Indeed, many of you have been supporting us since we began 13 years ago, and you are all greatly appreciated. We continue to help an average of one person per week, and this year has again seen us support several clients in particularly difficult crisis situations, where our help has been significant in their lives. Also, this last year has seen a growing of the pregnancy Crisis work with clients outside of our office opening hours at St. Mary’s Parish House. Of course, we continue to be available to speak at any events, providing information and awareness of the services we provide. 2009 was a year with much encouragement
· We have forged a link with the local hospice bereavement support service and Beck House family support, in addition to the wide network links we have across the town.
· We have had a lot more contact from clients in Whitby, also network links there, Robin Hood’s Bay and in Bridlington.
· There are several more trained counsellors, giving us an even higher Churches Together profile, with volunteers from 8 different churches and 5 different denominations
· The fund raising bottles appeal in the spring was very successful, with support from lots of churches and individuals across town. We hope to repeat the bottle appeal this year with the launch on Mothering Sunday. Please let us know if your church or group wish to take part: Tel Scarborough 352100
· Individuals and groups have run fund raising coffee events for us through the last year, which is much appreciated.
· We have produced a new leaflet for distribution around surgeries, churches, network partners etc.
However, there has been sadness, with the news earlier in the year that the head of Careconfidential, Joanna Thompson, died after struggling with a sudden and aggressive tumour. We met Joanna many times, a truly inspirational woman, whose faith and vision saw her single Pregnancy Crisis Centre in Basingstoke become the network of nearly 200, of which we in Scarborough, thanks to your support, are one. The new director of Careconfidential is Dr. Phil Clarke, who has been actively involved with the establishment of the Pregnancy Crisis network from the beginning. More information about us, and the Careconfidential network, can be found on the website,
Thanks again for all your support, and bless you for all you do
Michelle (Centre Manager), Joe (Chairman) and the whole team
PS We are grateful to have Jenny Briggs as part of our team, and have received enormous help from Rosemary Gillespie as our supervisor over several years
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