Friday, 29 January 2010

The Anointing

Christ is a word which means Anointed. Jesus demonstrated this anointing as He taught, prophesied and healed people, raised others from the dead, fed thousands with just a few loaves and fish, changed water into wine and rebuked the wind and waves. This same anointing is available for all those who are in Christ ( after all we are Christians who have the opportunity to move in the presence of the anointing. The gospels and the book of Acts show us the results of bing in that anointing. The Holy Spirit is the source of this anointing made available to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The anointing blesses us, but this is not the primary focus. The anointing brings about God’s purpose in us and through us. We as creatures align to the Creator through the anointing. We also bear the family likeness as the anointing changes us from glory to glory. We are all in process and there is always more to discover, but over the next few network news, I hope to write section by section about the ingredients of this anointing. There will be 12 sections to this.

The first ingredient is Seeing. The anointing breaks through veil satan has placed over our minds (2 Cor 6); the veil of death which tries to keep us from seeing the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus. Without the anointing we have no light and thus no sight. The anointing brings revelation to our hearts. Scripture becomes astoundingly clear and relevant. Life also looks different. We also find what we see has a relational dimension with God and when that happens it becomes precious to us. Jesus by contrast described those moving in scriptural truth without anointing as being blind guides who lead themselves and others into a ditch. Without God’s revelation, everything is supposition. Seeing is the first thing we need to move in. Jesus could only do what he saw the Father doing (john 5:19). We as Christians should expect to see what others cannot see, and this comes not from our rational intelligence but from our relationship with God in which the anointing flows to us and through us. In this context w2e will also see with words of knowledge, words of wisdom, prophecy as well as seeing some of the supernatural dimensions around us. In the fathers house we all have a room with a view .


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