Christ is a word which means Anointed. Jesus demonstrated this anointing as He taught, prophesied and healed people, raised others from the dead, fed thousands with just a few loaves and fish, changed water into wine and rebuked the wind and waves. This same anointing is available for all those who are in Christ ( after all we are Christians who have the opportunity to move in the presence of the anointing. The gospels and the book of Acts show us the results of bing in that anointing. The Holy Spirit is the source of this anointing made available to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The anointing blesses us, but this is not the primary focus. The anointing brings about God’s purpose in us and through us. We as creatures align to the Creator through the anointing. We also bear the family likeness as the anointing changes us from glory to glory. We are all in process and there is always more to discover, but over the next few network news, I hope to write section by section about the ingredients of this anointing. There will be 12 sections to this.
The first ingredient is Seeing. The anointing breaks through veil satan has placed over our minds (2 Cor 6); the veil of death which tries to keep us from seeing the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus. Without the anointing we have no light and thus no sight. The anointing brings revelation to our hearts. Scripture becomes astoundingly clear and relevant. Life also looks different. We also find what we see has a relational dimension with God and when that happens it becomes precious to us. Jesus by contrast described those moving in scriptural truth without anointing as being blind guides who lead themselves and others into a ditch. Without God’s revelation, everything is supposition. Seeing is the first thing we need to move in. Jesus could only do what he saw the Father doing (john 5:19). We as Christians should expect to see what others cannot see, and this comes not from our rational intelligence but from our relationship with God in which the anointing flows to us and through us. In this context w2e will also see with words of knowledge, words of wisdom, prophecy as well as seeing some of the supernatural dimensions around us. In the fathers house we all have a room with a view .
Friday, 29 January 2010
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Something to Think About
The following was written by Ben Stein (pictured above) and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.My confession: I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are, Christmas trees.
It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat. Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too.
But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to. In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking. Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina).. Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?' In light of recent events... Terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.
I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay.Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.' Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace. Are you laughing yet? Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.
Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us. Pass it on if you think it has merit. If not, then just discard it... No one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.
My Best Regards, Honestly and Respectfully, Ben Stein
Prayer and Presence Meeting Tuesday 2nd February at 7 pm
Prayer and Presence Meeting Tuesday 2nd February at 7 pm in church
(and on 1st Tuesdays of month) (please note change of start time)
In this new season we believe that we are being called as a Church Network to upgrade our corporate prayer. We would encourage everyone to be involved in hearing from the Lord and moving in the revelation given to us.
Our monthly Prayer and Presence Meetings are an opportunity to get involved and to share with the rest of the church what is happening around you. The first meeting of 2010 is this Tuesday at 7pm.
This meeting will include prayers of thanksgiving for what the Lord is doing in and through the projects and ministries of the network.
Please make every effort to attend
On Behalf of
Jonathan Couper & June Lee
(and on 1st Tuesdays of month) (please note change of start time)
In this new season we believe that we are being called as a Church Network to upgrade our corporate prayer. We would encourage everyone to be involved in hearing from the Lord and moving in the revelation given to us.
Our monthly Prayer and Presence Meetings are an opportunity to get involved and to share with the rest of the church what is happening around you. The first meeting of 2010 is this Tuesday at 7pm.
This meeting will include prayers of thanksgiving for what the Lord is doing in and through the projects and ministries of the network.
Please make every effort to attend
On Behalf of
Jonathan Couper & June Lee
Coffee Mornings
A series of Coffee Mornings are being organised by The Boys Brigade on Saturday mornings 10am to 2pm in the Forecourt at Christ Church….
13th February In Support of Boys’ Brigade
20th February In Support of Childrens’ Homes in Africa
27th February In support of Trish Wickes
For further information please speak to Tony Found
13th February In Support of Boys’ Brigade
20th February In Support of Childrens’ Homes in Africa
27th February In support of Trish Wickes
For further information please speak to Tony Found
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
The Tender Voice
With your touch that is softer than velvet,
With your whisper that is quieter than snow,
You come, draw near and approach me,
Your love, You long that I know.
What then can I say to my Captain,
To the One who has captured me?
I long to express my deep feelings;
Your shelter is my liberty.
With your voice that is tender and soothing,
With your passion that sweeps over my soul,
You Lord, my God and my healer,
Your grace is making me whole.
With my praise I approach my Redeemer,
With my thanks I will now honour the Lord,
Salvation’s found in no other,
But Your Life, Your Death, Your Word!
© Neil Mackay Theta Publications April 2009/Jan 2010
With your whisper that is quieter than snow,
You come, draw near and approach me,
Your love, You long that I know.
What then can I say to my Captain,
To the One who has captured me?
I long to express my deep feelings;
Your shelter is my liberty.
With your voice that is tender and soothing,
With your passion that sweeps over my soul,
You Lord, my God and my healer,
Your grace is making me whole.
With my praise I approach my Redeemer,
With my thanks I will now honour the Lord,
Salvation’s found in no other,
But Your Life, Your Death, Your Word!
© Neil Mackay Theta Publications April 2009/Jan 2010
Appeal from TRAX
Appeal from TRAX For the next few weeks, in Trax, we are learning about the life of Paul and the growth of the early Church.On Sunday 14th February, before we leave, we shall be doing an activity in church involving the building of a Church. Please could all those who would like to be part of this bring, on that morning, a small passport size photo of themselves.If you forget, or do not have a photo, do not worry - there will be the opportunity, as you arrive, to draw a picture of yourself! many thanks!
Springboard 2010
Anne had a picture of an escalator going upwards which became a river flowing downwards. We believe God is taking us onto a new level from which God’s blessing is being poured among us. Part of this new level is in the area of ministry beyond our current boundaries. Some of you may be aware we are holding a conference in the Spa in October where we hope to welcome many from other parts of the UK (and Europe), but before that there is a weekend Jonathan and Anne are holding in Bawtry where people are coming from all over the UK.
This is gaining more significance not only because of the good numbers coming, but also because of the quality of Christian disciple, and the varying positions they occupy of influence in our nation and the world. God is birthing something (but we are not yet clear what). In addition there are signs of partnerships being formed between us and some churches outside the Bridlington area, and we have an opportunity to influence for good people and situations far beyond the boundaries of Bridlington.
Combined with this we are starting leaders training days (first one June 12th) for all leaders of any small group/project/church which would want to benefit. We think this might be linked to a plan God may have for us to be one of the resource churches for the nation at this time. The network is at the heart of all this, and no doubt finance will follow what we are doing. What I am asking you to do is to join with us in “priming the pump” for this regional side of our ministry.
We are launching SPRINGBOARD 2010. You buy a share by agreeing to contribute £10 a month for a year (or more). You can buy as many shares as you like. The money raised through Springboard 2010 will be used by the PCC only to facilitate revival in our nation, and would be initially focused on helping with the leaders days and the October conference. This is, however just the start. If you feel God is calling you to contribute to this, it will bring about blessing for the many.
The curate writes…
There are some things that Jesus seems to tackle over and over again. One of those things is forgiveness. I find myself doing the same thing!
Over and over while talking to folk I find that lack of forgiveness and growing bitterness is rife in many areas of life. The soaps reflect this too. Emmerdale, Corry, East Enders, even Star Trek (a sort of Eastenders in the sky) are all based around real relationships even though the contexts are different. And in those relationships there is often trauma caused by poor decisions, lifestyles and aspirations, whether rich or poor, employed or unemployed.
I think its fair to assume that if you work with others, stuff can go wrong in relationships. In fact, I’ve found that relationships can even be tested when nothing is done wrong – but through misunderstandings, stuff can still go pear shaped. And that’s being generous.
Low incomes, long hours, insufficient time, too much to do for those in work, too much time with nothing to do if out of work, emotional difficulties brought from home to work or vice versa, illness. All these things can generate stress and that impinges on relationships.
So Jesus speaks of forgiveness frequently and links it to blessing. It’s the way of grace. Here are a few examples.
That is why I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours. "Whenever you stand up to pray, forgive whatever you have against anyone, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins.
Mark 11:24-25
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. "Stop judging, and you will never be judged. Stop condemning, and you will never be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A large quantity, pressed together, shaken down, and running over will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use, you will be measured."
Luke 6:36-38
The Lord is dying to bless. No, He’s already died, but you know what I mean. The Living God doesn’t teach us to forgive to make life hard – but to make it much better!
Typically, when I’m speaking to people who are going through appalling times involving others, they’ll say something along one of these lines:
“I now I should forgive, but it wouldn’t work” (in other words, I’m not going to risk it)
“You just don’t know how horrible they have been to me / us” (There are some things that cannot be forgiven)
And so they lock themselves into resentment or helplessness – basically agreeing with the devil rather than Our Lord Jesus.
Jesus is the one, while talking to people in occupied territory who said “Love your enemies”, “Do good to those who persecute you”. “If you love only those who love you what gain is that – even the pagans do that!”
This is the stunning simplicity of the gospel. Believe and trust, in God, in every circumstance. Don’t ‘compartmentalise’, keeping God stuff for church and homegroups in practice, but not actively in hard places.
Forgiving like Jesus does is counter cultural big time. Just do it. True, you need the power of God for this to be possible, for resentment and helplessness et al to be replace by the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Eye of the storm and all that.
God Bless
Over and over while talking to folk I find that lack of forgiveness and growing bitterness is rife in many areas of life. The soaps reflect this too. Emmerdale, Corry, East Enders, even Star Trek (a sort of Eastenders in the sky) are all based around real relationships even though the contexts are different. And in those relationships there is often trauma caused by poor decisions, lifestyles and aspirations, whether rich or poor, employed or unemployed.
I think its fair to assume that if you work with others, stuff can go wrong in relationships. In fact, I’ve found that relationships can even be tested when nothing is done wrong – but through misunderstandings, stuff can still go pear shaped. And that’s being generous.
Low incomes, long hours, insufficient time, too much to do for those in work, too much time with nothing to do if out of work, emotional difficulties brought from home to work or vice versa, illness. All these things can generate stress and that impinges on relationships.
So Jesus speaks of forgiveness frequently and links it to blessing. It’s the way of grace. Here are a few examples.
That is why I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours. "Whenever you stand up to pray, forgive whatever you have against anyone, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins.
Mark 11:24-25
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. "Stop judging, and you will never be judged. Stop condemning, and you will never be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A large quantity, pressed together, shaken down, and running over will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use, you will be measured."
Luke 6:36-38
The Lord is dying to bless. No, He’s already died, but you know what I mean. The Living God doesn’t teach us to forgive to make life hard – but to make it much better!
Typically, when I’m speaking to people who are going through appalling times involving others, they’ll say something along one of these lines:
“I now I should forgive, but it wouldn’t work” (in other words, I’m not going to risk it)
“You just don’t know how horrible they have been to me / us” (There are some things that cannot be forgiven)
And so they lock themselves into resentment or helplessness – basically agreeing with the devil rather than Our Lord Jesus.
Jesus is the one, while talking to people in occupied territory who said “Love your enemies”, “Do good to those who persecute you”. “If you love only those who love you what gain is that – even the pagans do that!”
This is the stunning simplicity of the gospel. Believe and trust, in God, in every circumstance. Don’t ‘compartmentalise’, keeping God stuff for church and homegroups in practice, but not actively in hard places.
Forgiving like Jesus does is counter cultural big time. Just do it. True, you need the power of God for this to be possible, for resentment and helplessness et al to be replace by the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Eye of the storm and all that.
God Bless
Friday, 22 January 2010
Christ Church Pre-school and Noah’s Ark Nursery.
As some of you may have seen in the Bridlington Free Press we had an Ofsted Inspection in December 2009.We are very please with the outcome as we were given “good” judgements on all 16 aspects of our childcare that were judged by the inspector. This included the standard of both care and education that the children receive with us.
All the staff deserve our congratulations for their achievement as the inspector evaluated each one at work in the setting as well as carefully looking at their paper work.
We are especially pleased because we achieved an “outstanding” judgement for the “effectiveness of our engagement with parents and carers”
There are 89 pupils on the register and 15 staff.
Margaret Walker
January 2010.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Greetings and a Happy New Year to you all.
I was ill with malaria and cold over Christmas so my activities were limited. But New Year celebrations in church went ahead as planned although it was very hot. Being peace makers is our church theme for 2010.
Many thanks to all those of you who sent gifts and cards for Christmas. Much appreciated.
This is deteriorating as we approach elections in April. Maridi has remained calm so far. Bishop Justin will make the decision as to whether I stay in Sudan during the elections or leave for Uganda as many organizations are removing non Sudanese staff as unrest is expected. Bishop knows I wish to stay if possible. UN have evacuation plans if things get really bad - they will take all expats to their fortified team site near here and call in helicopters to take us out. Let's hope it is not necessary. The emergency bag is ready!
They are my CMS Colleagues who until recently live in Lui about 100 miles from Maridi. However they have now relocated to Arua in Uganda and will commute into Sudan occasionally, but are also building up work with Sudanese in Uganda.
A team from CMS Ireland are due to arrive in Maridi on January 19th for a week.
Six of the seven puppies go to new homes this week. The runt of the litter called Pixie will stay until she has grown a lot more - she is one third the size of the others. My cat Precious is due to give birth any time now. My other cat, Posho, who was sick is much improved. I have a sign over my chair which says 'My cat walks all over me and leaves paw prints on my heart'.
Pray for wisdom as I deal with four people who have borrowed money but are refusing to pay it back.
January 1st is traditionally Youth Day and all collections from the services that day go to support the work of the youth. Wilson still needs to find more financial support for the work.
Later this year I still hope to replace our Toyota Land Cruiser as long as security is OK and I can stay in Sudan. There is a British Company based in Gibraltar who can bring the car from Japan and deliver it to me here in Sudan.
Bishop Justin is upgrading our Theological College and from this month courses are starting in English, Computer, and Accounting. Other courses will follow later.
I was hoping that my colleague Wilson could visit UK with me this year but God seems to be closing that door for the time being. The Visa Office in Uganda has closed and the one in Nairobi is moving to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia so it is almost impossible to apply for a visa, and in any case 90% of Sudanese are refused visas. Also with the present uncertain security situation Wilson needs to be with his family to do what he can to protect them.
My next Home Leave is to be divided in two halves. Half this year and half next year. Therefore I expect to be in UK for three months this year from May, for MA study leave and also to visit some of my Link Churches.
November and December were so busy that I am now behind with my studies so I am keeping much of January and February free to catch up.
We have now started to write Book 3 - 'How can I live a life pleasing to God?' Book 4 will follow on 'Working for God'.
This ends on January 31st and I am confident that God will provide all the money for my personal support. The target has been reached every year so far. Thank You.
We are not allowed to fire guns so when Wilson's family let off party poppers they sounded like gun fire. He escaped arrest.
All for now. Love to you all.
Trisha Wick
I was ill with malaria and cold over Christmas so my activities were limited. But New Year celebrations in church went ahead as planned although it was very hot. Being peace makers is our church theme for 2010.
Many thanks to all those of you who sent gifts and cards for Christmas. Much appreciated.
This is deteriorating as we approach elections in April. Maridi has remained calm so far. Bishop Justin will make the decision as to whether I stay in Sudan during the elections or leave for Uganda as many organizations are removing non Sudanese staff as unrest is expected. Bishop knows I wish to stay if possible. UN have evacuation plans if things get really bad - they will take all expats to their fortified team site near here and call in helicopters to take us out. Let's hope it is not necessary. The emergency bag is ready!
They are my CMS Colleagues who until recently live in Lui about 100 miles from Maridi. However they have now relocated to Arua in Uganda and will commute into Sudan occasionally, but are also building up work with Sudanese in Uganda.
A team from CMS Ireland are due to arrive in Maridi on January 19th for a week.
Six of the seven puppies go to new homes this week. The runt of the litter called Pixie will stay until she has grown a lot more - she is one third the size of the others. My cat Precious is due to give birth any time now. My other cat, Posho, who was sick is much improved. I have a sign over my chair which says 'My cat walks all over me and leaves paw prints on my heart'.
Pray for wisdom as I deal with four people who have borrowed money but are refusing to pay it back.
January 1st is traditionally Youth Day and all collections from the services that day go to support the work of the youth. Wilson still needs to find more financial support for the work.
Later this year I still hope to replace our Toyota Land Cruiser as long as security is OK and I can stay in Sudan. There is a British Company based in Gibraltar who can bring the car from Japan and deliver it to me here in Sudan.
Bishop Justin is upgrading our Theological College and from this month courses are starting in English, Computer, and Accounting. Other courses will follow later.
I was hoping that my colleague Wilson could visit UK with me this year but God seems to be closing that door for the time being. The Visa Office in Uganda has closed and the one in Nairobi is moving to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia so it is almost impossible to apply for a visa, and in any case 90% of Sudanese are refused visas. Also with the present uncertain security situation Wilson needs to be with his family to do what he can to protect them.
My next Home Leave is to be divided in two halves. Half this year and half next year. Therefore I expect to be in UK for three months this year from May, for MA study leave and also to visit some of my Link Churches.
November and December were so busy that I am now behind with my studies so I am keeping much of January and February free to catch up.
We have now started to write Book 3 - 'How can I live a life pleasing to God?' Book 4 will follow on 'Working for God'.
This ends on January 31st and I am confident that God will provide all the money for my personal support. The target has been reached every year so far. Thank You.
We are not allowed to fire guns so when Wilson's family let off party poppers they sounded like gun fire. He escaped arrest.
All for now. Love to you all.
Trisha Wick
Report on Christian Community Music Festival 2009
After months of planning the Christian Community Music Festival came to fruition on the 18th November 2009. Over the 5-days 797 people took an active part in the festival. Over the 5-days 1,400 people attended the concerts some of which attended two, three and four concerts. Overall the festival touched the lives of 2,230 people and it is estimated double that number were made aware of the festival though our publicity.
Looking back over the festival we had, including the competitors for the East Coast Youth Competition 43 individual performers, 4 groups, 6 Senior Choirs, 6 Schools Choirs, one Steel Band, one Jazz Orchestra, two Wind Bands, one Brass Band, two Chamber Groups, the Festival Orchestra, the Riding Lights Theatre Company and the Bridlington Boys Brigade.
We were very grateful to the 50 patrons, the Bridlington and East Worlds Lions, The Friends of the East Riding Orchestra, Garry Carter Financial Planners and Lloyd Dowson who between them contributed who in total contributed £3,170.00 to the festival funds.
The Festival got underway in the 7th November when Sewerby Methodist Church hosted the heats for the East Coast Youth Musician Competition. 34 contests took part in this event, which lasted form 11:am to 5:00pm. The musical talent of these young people was of a high quality and 14 were chosen to take art in the final in the Spa Royal Hall on Saturday 21st November.
The 5-days of concerts had some great surprises. Individual performances, groups, choirs, wind bands, brass bands demonstrating the rich musical heritage within our local churches and community organisations. Thursday night demonstrated the wealth of talent we have at Christ Church. Some of our worship leaders and worship band members took on a different role as Men in Black, The Shamrock Irish Band and the Parker Band revealed a different side to their musical ability. The performance of York University Gospel Choir and the individual talent of the blind gospel singer Marilyn Baker enriched the Friday evening. Saturday evening saw the fulfilment of weeks of practice as the 70 members of the Churches Together choir led by Anthony Clark performed the Jimmy and Carol Owen musical “Come Together” with the Salvation Army band and Songsters from Castleford providing a fitting opening to the evening.
Sunday saw the climax of the festival with two memorable concerts. The afternoon performance by local schools treated the audience to a steel band, recorder band, schools choirs, drama group, string quartets and a jazz orchestra. Altogether some 250 young people participated in this event. A packed Bridlington Spa Theatre enjoyed the final concert of the festival. Performances by the Beverley Male Voice Choir, Longcroft Performing Arts College Gospel Choir, not forgetting the contribution by the Bridlington Methodist Singers, Ben Couper accompanied by Garth Blackburn performing a special piece written by Ben for the festival, Adam Walker and our own lads form the Boys Brigade. Truly a night to remember as audience joined the festival orchestra led by Jim Gillespie singing some of the great hymns of past and present.
Can we do it again in 2010? Together we can. Thank you Jonathan Couper and member of Christ Church for all your support.
Paul Lowe.
Looking back over the festival we had, including the competitors for the East Coast Youth Competition 43 individual performers, 4 groups, 6 Senior Choirs, 6 Schools Choirs, one Steel Band, one Jazz Orchestra, two Wind Bands, one Brass Band, two Chamber Groups, the Festival Orchestra, the Riding Lights Theatre Company and the Bridlington Boys Brigade.
We were very grateful to the 50 patrons, the Bridlington and East Worlds Lions, The Friends of the East Riding Orchestra, Garry Carter Financial Planners and Lloyd Dowson who between them contributed who in total contributed £3,170.00 to the festival funds.
The Festival got underway in the 7th November when Sewerby Methodist Church hosted the heats for the East Coast Youth Musician Competition. 34 contests took part in this event, which lasted form 11:am to 5:00pm. The musical talent of these young people was of a high quality and 14 were chosen to take art in the final in the Spa Royal Hall on Saturday 21st November.
The 5-days of concerts had some great surprises. Individual performances, groups, choirs, wind bands, brass bands demonstrating the rich musical heritage within our local churches and community organisations. Thursday night demonstrated the wealth of talent we have at Christ Church. Some of our worship leaders and worship band members took on a different role as Men in Black, The Shamrock Irish Band and the Parker Band revealed a different side to their musical ability. The performance of York University Gospel Choir and the individual talent of the blind gospel singer Marilyn Baker enriched the Friday evening. Saturday evening saw the fulfilment of weeks of practice as the 70 members of the Churches Together choir led by Anthony Clark performed the Jimmy and Carol Owen musical “Come Together” with the Salvation Army band and Songsters from Castleford providing a fitting opening to the evening.
Sunday saw the climax of the festival with two memorable concerts. The afternoon performance by local schools treated the audience to a steel band, recorder band, schools choirs, drama group, string quartets and a jazz orchestra. Altogether some 250 young people participated in this event. A packed Bridlington Spa Theatre enjoyed the final concert of the festival. Performances by the Beverley Male Voice Choir, Longcroft Performing Arts College Gospel Choir, not forgetting the contribution by the Bridlington Methodist Singers, Ben Couper accompanied by Garth Blackburn performing a special piece written by Ben for the festival, Adam Walker and our own lads form the Boys Brigade. Truly a night to remember as audience joined the festival orchestra led by Jim Gillespie singing some of the great hymns of past and present.
Can we do it again in 2010? Together we can. Thank you Jonathan Couper and member of Christ Church for all your support.
Paul Lowe.
Scarborough Pregnancy Crisis Centre - January 2010 update
Jonathan recently received this letter from...
Scarborough Pregnancy Crisis Centre - January 2010 update
We would like to thank all our supporters through the previous year. Indeed, many of you have been supporting us since we began 13 years ago, and you are all greatly appreciated. We continue to help an average of one person per week, and this year has again seen us support several clients in particularly difficult crisis situations, where our help has been significant in their lives. Also, this last year has seen a growing of the pregnancy Crisis work with clients outside of our office opening hours at St. Mary’s Parish House. Of course, we continue to be available to speak at any events, providing information and awareness of the services we provide. 2009 was a year with much encouragement
· We have forged a link with the local hospice bereavement support service and Beck House family support, in addition to the wide network links we have across the town.
· We have had a lot more contact from clients in Whitby, also network links there, Robin Hood’s Bay and in Bridlington.
· There are several more trained counsellors, giving us an even higher Churches Together profile, with volunteers from 8 different churches and 5 different denominations
· The fund raising bottles appeal in the spring was very successful, with support from lots of churches and individuals across town. We hope to repeat the bottle appeal this year with the launch on Mothering Sunday. Please let us know if your church or group wish to take part: Tel Scarborough 352100
· Individuals and groups have run fund raising coffee events for us through the last year, which is much appreciated.
· We have produced a new leaflet for distribution around surgeries, churches, network partners etc.
However, there has been sadness, with the news earlier in the year that the head of Careconfidential, Joanna Thompson, died after struggling with a sudden and aggressive tumour. We met Joanna many times, a truly inspirational woman, whose faith and vision saw her single Pregnancy Crisis Centre in Basingstoke become the network of nearly 200, of which we in Scarborough, thanks to your support, are one. The new director of Careconfidential is Dr. Phil Clarke, who has been actively involved with the establishment of the Pregnancy Crisis network from the beginning. More information about us, and the Careconfidential network, can be found on the website,
Thanks again for all your support, and bless you for all you do
Michelle (Centre Manager), Joe (Chairman) and the whole team
PS We are grateful to have Jenny Briggs as part of our team, and have received enormous help from Rosemary Gillespie as our supervisor over several years
The Sixty Minute Family
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Thursday, 14 January 2010
Hosts Required for Open Doors
Got an hour and a half to spare on late Tuesday Afternoons?
Open Doors are currently seeking to recruit additional volunteers specifically to act as Table Hosts during the meal section on Tuesdays afternoons 4.30pm to 6.00pm.
The purpose of the Table Host is to engage with those who attend and often live on their own and value just being able to talk to someone. Over a meal is a good opportunity for this to happen. If you feel that you are interested in carrying out this type of ministry, please speak to Tony Found to find out more.
You can also leave your details at Reception 01262 404100 and we will pass them on to Tony.
Open Doors are currently seeking to recruit additional volunteers specifically to act as Table Hosts during the meal section on Tuesdays afternoons 4.30pm to 6.00pm.
The purpose of the Table Host is to engage with those who attend and often live on their own and value just being able to talk to someone. Over a meal is a good opportunity for this to happen. If you feel that you are interested in carrying out this type of ministry, please speak to Tony Found to find out more.
You can also leave your details at Reception 01262 404100 and we will pass them on to Tony.
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