Arguably a local Church is only as strong as the groups that constitute its body life. For us, this includes our Network Congregations, our Youth and Children’s Groups and Small Groups (Housegroups and Bible Study Groups) as well as the Mission and Outreach Groups that aim to export the life of God from our midst. With the exception of the Outreach Groups all other gatherings aim at building up, by supporting and encouraging as well challenging, its body members to discover and then fulfil their calling to serve God within and without the Church setting.
Though we can recommend that people should regularly attend a Network Congregation (see Heb.10:25) and equally important a Small Group, it is generally recognised that people find their own level of involvement and participation.
Motivation is a key issue in all aspects of life. It’s a driving force that moves us forward with a sense of purpose that seeks its fulfilment. With it mighty things are ventured and gained; without it real achievement will always be elusive.
This is no more so than in church life. How do we obtain this majestic, though mysterious commodity? Maybe modelling is part of the answer?
Simply put: is my fire an attractive blaze that others want to catch, burn brightly themselves, and then replicate the process?
In the July issue of Network News the importance of “Belonging” was highlighted and the following points and questions raised, which are worth repeating.
Consider what the centre of CHURCH is – YOU ARE! (under the Lordship of Jesus). Has this really sunk in yet?
As the summer break comes round shortly use this time to think:
Am I a regular team member of a Congregation?
Isn’t it time for me to be part of a Housegroup, or be a Housegroup Leader?
September, or before, would be a good time to have some positive answers.
As a Church we want to grow at all levels, in both quality and quantity. The hall-mark of a healthy organism – plant or animal – is to reproduce itself. Increasing the number of Congregations and Housegroups is a desired aim of this Church.
To look at these issues relating to Housegroups expansion, Housegroup Leaders, any aspiring Housegroup Leaders, or, people wanting to join a Housegroup are very welcome to attend a meeting on Wednesday 23rd September at 7:30pm in Church.
Neil Mackay. Small Groups Pastor
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