Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Romania Update from Val Taylor

Greetings from Satu-Mare!

Can’t believe it’s nearly September!

From today 135 days to shop for Christmas. I am writing this the 11th of August. So many things seem to change it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Will be able to share more when I’m back. After Joseph’s brother smashing the house he collected everything together and it’s just wonderful how things work for good. In the beginning we wanted Joseph to build on his property but he wanted his brother to have well out of what he salvaged. He’s extended his sitting room and is building a kitchen so its great. We went to his home to celebrate his youngest son’s birthday. The effort that went into everything. I think they must have pooled glasses, plates & food. Amazing and good to see the children playing and having fun. A great time but they didn’t eat. Very humbling were we are now. All our children have birth certificates and we got them free; not a penny to pay.

On the 4th of August we went to Joseph’s for a meeting at 11am. He was so clean - trousers and shirt. He collected the little flock. we sang, prayed, Diana gave a word. They learn the songs so well and some are Hungarian not Romanian. Were a right bunch, but were all growing on the same vine, and the joy of the Lord is so evident. This is truly answered prayer. It has been needed for so long. Some don’t get to church - some only Sunday morning. I said to Remus we wouldn’t feed a new baby once a week - they need fellowship.

Then we went shopping. They are much wiser than we were when we used to do it and they have the joy of choosing. On Sunday Joseph, Melinda and their daughter Melinder were in church and we sang the song we learn’t. Everyone was crying. I didn’t think it was that bad! - no people are really starting to see what is happening among the gypsies in the church.
We have a man Marchel and his wife Monica. They have just come to the Lord. He is the cousin of one of the brothers and we have been praying for Marchel as he had a drink problem. Praise God they are like the morning dew.

There are still many things to be sorted out in the church building.But the pressure of the access been taken off is wonderful. You can see and feel the release. We have so much to praise God for. Our sadness is for the black beautiful alsation who has guarded the church for years and had to be put to sleep. She has not been well for a while, but just got worse very quickly. They couldn’t operate because she was old.

Our next plan is to build some toilets. You really don’t need to read the details. I will tell you a real experience.We’re also looking at some showers, but don’t know yet how that will work. There is no hot water, but that would be ok in the summer. But we have to look at drainage. We do have an idea, thanks to Mark, Nick and Anthony.

To go to school the children are given a pencil and a work book, after that it’s buy your own. We have some bright children. They must have a chance as they grow in God. They have the ability to turn the tide.They just need the chance; they have a right. Please pray please:
1 For the children - the hope of the future
2 Lasting ministry for adults and children
3 Husbands of the wives in church to be saved.
4.Awana Club, the children’s work in the church
5. We now have three husbands out of work
6.Vassillica is very sick
7. The little girl’s eye
8. All churches evangelism in November. It’s to do with Luis Palau, evangelist.
9 Remus mum has Alzheimer’s
10 A releasing from the past

Praise God for Marrianna the lady with liver problems. She has had an operation and is fine. I hope to be in Bridlington between the 6th and 8th of October. I fly into London in September. I’m going to my daughter and her husband and family before they go back to America. God has done some amazing things to make this possible. Then I will go to Hereford to see my son. I thought this would save travel time and money. Maybe wisdom does come with old age - no comment Dr Clarke. And then hope fully some quality time with you. I will be going to Glasgow, but intend to stay till the beginning of January. I have a few arrangements to make for 2010. God bless you all looking forward to recharging batteries.
Love Val

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