Monday, 31 August 2009

Releasing the Kingdom Two! – Conference at Christ Church

Conference Speaker: Andy Hall. Following on from the conference earlier this year we continue to explore the concepts of the Kingdom of God and how we can help God to release his Kingdom here on earth.

Conference starts Fri 9th October, 2009 at 7:30pm and then follows on Saturday 10th October 2009

For itinery and booking details please click here

Bishop David Pytches Visit Sunday 13th September & Monday 14th September

We will be welcoming among us The Right Revd David Pytches who is a Bishop of the Anglican Communion and the former Bishop of Chile. Bishop David was also vicar of St Andrew’s, in Chorleywood. He is the author of many books, including “Come Holy Spirit” and his autobiography, “ Living at the Edge.” He and his wife, Mary founded New Wine.

David will be preaching at the 6pm service with the sermon theme “The New Wine of the Kingdom” and will also be meeting Network Pastors, House Group Leaders, and Staff on Monday morning

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Equipped To Live (ETL) - Living Life in Today’s World

“Transformation not just information”

Equipped to live is open to anyone. It is designed to help us live life in today’s difficult world where there are so many choices and seemingly few pointers for life. We think this course will be relevant to everyone who wishes to find the keys for living and making the most of life.

What we will learn will be enfolded throughout our life and ETL aims to give tools that we can use for a life time. The main aim of ETL is not information but transformation. Over a period of monthly sessions you will have the opportunity to explore what the Bible teaches about different subjects including…

Shaped for Significance; How has God made me? Why has He made the way I am? Understanding Gods original design unlocks our understanding of what we are here to do.

Hearing Gods voice; What does God sound like, how and why does He speak to me?

Overcoming Strongholds in my life; We all have areas we know we could improve in Sometimes a new years resolution is not enough. How do we identify negative strongholds in our thoughts and habits and how do we get free of them?

Living naturally supernatural lives: an exploration of body soul & spirit and how they interact and how I can release a spiritual dimension into my life

The power of my words; Speaking positive words release peoples potential speaking negative words imprisons them in cage of low expectations. God creates new things by helping us to use new words. Discover the power of blessing and how to overcome the negative words spoken over you

More than "pennies from Heaven": God has plans for my life and He plans to release finances to achieve those plans. Find out about faithfulness and generosity keys to Gods provision for you

These titles/subjects are provisional and are open to change.There will be a brief introduction to “Equipped To Live” as part of the of Releasing the Kingdom 2 Conference Fri 9th & Sat 10th Oct 2009 and continuing on Saturday 7th November 2009 with follow up monthly sessions. Further details will appear in October’s Network News
If you have any further enquiries please ring 01262 404100

Prayer Weekend Away - Bawtry Hall

I have been feeling for some months we should gather to seek God. The context for this is praying for our nation. I have felt that God wants us to meet with Him and He to meet with us and as a result (in some way) the existing gap between church and community will have some gospel in it. I feel the Lord is content with New Wine’s strategy to support church leaders and churches, but there is an ever-widening gap and I think God may want to reach in to this arena somehow”.

I am not sure about anything else right now....I just have the idea of any who want to come to come. There is no hype; little teaching (or none!); but lots of following the Spirit. If any of you know you want to be part of this, you are welcome.

The dates are April 9th – 11th 2010. The place we have chosen is a Christian conference centre about 5 miles from Robin Hood Airport. On a site visit to our proposed venue, Bawtry Hall, we discovered that this centre used to be where bomber command was based during the war, and in their ops room, which still exists, there was written these words:

Remember O God for good those
Watchmen who by day and by night Climb into the air
Let thy Hand lead them, we Beseech thee, and thy right hand
Hold them
(part of the final prayer of National Day of Intercession Sept 8th 1940. Winston Churchill and cabinet were present.)

Bearing in mind the purpose we are gathering is a national one, I must admit my spirit did a leap or two as I read these words for the context of this meeting.

We are inviting people nationally and internationally for this event and if you are part of the Christ Church Network and would like to be a part of this please book up by Friday September 25th. Please forward your booking form with payment to Reception marked “Bawtry Hall” The booking form is at the back of church or can be picked up from reception. Booking is on a first come, first served basis as some accommodation types are limited.


Friday, 28 August 2009

6pm Service - New Sermon Series

Ever wondered what the Kingdom of God is all about? Well,
on Sunday 6th September at the 6pm service we begin a six part sermon series about this very subject which includes….

Pt 1 The Growth of the Kingdom
Pt 2 The New Wine of the Kingdom
Pt 3 The Kingdom and Fruit bearing
Pt 4 The Kingdom and Us
Pt 5 The Kingdom & God’s purposes
Pt 6 The Kingdom in Eternity

Harvest Sunday at Christ Church - Sunday 20th September

Sermon Themes...

9.00am & 11.00am “ God Made Families”

6.00pm “The Kingdom & Fruit Bearing”

Everyone Welcome!

Harvest Goods
We encourage you to bring harvest goods into Christ Church to display at the alter of church. These include fruit, vegetables & tinned produce which will be distributed after harvest Sunday.

Bethel, Redding, Worship

Our Values


The Presence - World Prayer Centre - NEC

Saturday 17 October 2009: NEC Birmingham
11am to 6pm - doors open at 9.30am
The World Prayer Centre is inviting you, your friends, your church, and churches in your area to the NEC to stand together and pray and proclaim
The Glory of the Gospel
The Glory of the Cross
The Glory of His Presence

· We will proclaim the glory of the gospel and pray its release across our nations.
· We will understand the glory of the cross as experienced through the persecuted church.
We will prepare the way for the flame of God's presence to spread from church to church, town to town, city to city.
Over recent years the World Prayer Centre team, along with friends from many other Christian ministries, have gathered at the NEC under the banner of Trumpet Call.In the midst of recession and the uncertainty we all face, we believe it is time to arise, welcome and make way for God's glory and presence to be released through His church into every area of society across our family of nations.
Tickets: £7 each

Online booking available
Or 0121 633 7393
Or print off form below

The Presence Booking Form Web

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Martongate Community Church

The summer seems all too short and once again we are into another season, a season where we celebrate Martongate’s 5th anniversary but also a time when we must remind ourselves of the purpose Martongate and the whole of the network was started and that is to reach out to those in our areas of influences whether that is geographical or social with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The network is not an alternative to Christ Church but an extension of Christ Church and whether you go to a network church or attend a morning service at Christ Church we are all part of the network.

At Martongate we move into a new phase as members of our church family take on increased responsibilities. Responsibilities and structures are put into place not as a burden, not as a main thing, but to have an order around so that we can all focus on the presence of our Lord in our meetings and in our community, so that no step is taken unless the Lord directs our path.
As family unit we know how lovely it is when the family get together in love and unity, there is a bonding together, when all the tasks are shared out nobody finds it a weight, and if the family see one or two people taking on too much other members of the family move in, they see it and out of love, they help. But the greatest joy occurs when new arrivals come along into the family, one of the reasons for the joy is that the family will be sustained. Our greatest sorrow is also when one of the members of the family decide to be apart from the family who love them.

This is no different than our church family we love meeting together, whether it is in a church service, house group, or a social event like a barbeque, but the greatest expressions of God’s love for the family is when we witness and embrace a new member, especially if they have never experienced a church family before.

We are not an institution we are a family with very special relations ships built on a relationship with our Lord, we do need to have some structure but that has to be as limited as possible as we seek God’s will, their is no hierarchy in the Kingdom but some are appointed to be leaders, as Dinah said in her sermon on Sunday 23rd August “guard the spiritual unity God breaths on us”, hold onto it, build up our church families on love, security and sharing and watch God do a new thing in increased miracles, increased numbers who our Lord saves, and an increased awareness of Gods presence in the communities we have been called to serve, with those we love and in His love.

The Alpha Course Starts Monday 28th September 2009 7pm at Christ Church, Bridlington

Alpha Registration Form

Royal Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen

Mike Smith (a member of the Christ Church Network at Martongate) has been appointed as the Auxillary Superintendant of the Royal Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen covering Bridlington and Flamborough. His role is working with current and retired fishermen looking after their needs, physically, mentally and spiritually. He starts this role on September 1st and his contact details will be released as soon as possible, in the interim he can be contacted through Christ Church on 404100. We pray for God's blessing on this important role amongst the fishing community.

You can find out more about the work of the Royal Mission to Deep Sea Fisherman at:


Autumn Fayre A4 _2

Play N Do Church Starts Sunday 6th September

Play N Do

Dan Clarke August Newsletter

Four days to go until I leave Bridlington to embark on my massive experience in South Africa. The VISA still hasn’t arrived, which is quite nerve racking, but hopefully it will arrive soon.
I don’t think I have ever been away from home for than 2 weeks at a time, and I have definitely not been away without people that I know. So for me leaving home for potentially 11 months, away from family and friends that have been with me for the last 18 years, will be a big shock.

Hopefully, I won’t get too homesick and that I will meet some amazing people that will make my time there a good one. My preparations have taken a large step today, as I had my hair cut to a relatively short length. This will hopefully make my time there a bit cooler, as a lot of hair was cut off.

Obviously there isn’t too much to say before I go. But with me being a guy, I still haven’t packed yet. But I’ve still got a few days to do this.

Thanks again for all your support.


Youth Church

Youth Church PDF

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

The Curate Writes

1 Corinthians 14:1
It is love, then, that you should strive for. Set your hearts on spiritual gifts, especially the gift of proclaiming God's message. GNB

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. NKJV

I’ve always had a sneaking admiration for Christians who are brilliant speakers of God’s word, or who are filled with faith, or are awesomely consistently reliably helpful in a myriad of ways. And that is still the case, its good to be like them as they are like Jesus. Have a look at the whole passage from 1 Corinthians 12 to 14.

But its possible for some to think negatively about the gifts the Lord does through them. I’m just an ear, or a hand or a big toe and I want to be an eye. Don’t go there with your thinking, all are necessary. All Christians are in the body of Christ. All are given something to do and are equipped for by the Holy Spirit as He sees best.

Also, if we have a look at Paul’s teaching, it is possible to have big gifting and be destructive with those gifts. For example to speak in tongues but be a clanging symbol, or even to give huge amounts of money away, to no good effect. Its better to have a great character than great gifts alone.

The key is to grow into maturity, or to grow up in Christ, which is to grow in love, real practical love. Love which puts God’s kingdom, the way of living heaven on earth, not just as the icing on the cake, but worked through the whole cake. A love that puts others first, or in more drastic terms found in Isaiah 58, to have the love of God so motivate us that we fast from our own things in order to have the space and time to pour ourselves out for others.

And this applies to earnestly desiring the Spiritual Gifts too. Paul is writing to the whole church. So rather than say just desiring that the Holy Spirit gives me gifts of healing (no bad thing) its probably better to earnestly desire that the Holy Spirit gives those gifts to the church – to anybody in the body. I reckon that is a good way of avoiding the danger of pride. God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble – and these are gifts of grace.

A church running after the Lord like that is itself a proclamation of God’s message. ‘By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you have love, one for another’.

None of this is to say we are not a loving church, its just a reminder to keep on being like it and growing more and more into the full stature of Christ.

News In Brief

Many thanks from Scarborough Pregnancy Crisis Centre to everyone who supported the Springtime bottle appeal. Across several churches around £500 was raised

Scarborough Pregnancy Crisis Centre seeks to help those experiencing a crisis pregnancy. They offer a free pregnancy test and counselling, which is offered by volunteer counsellors, most of whom have experienced a crisis pregnancy themselves. The main focus is to allow the woman some listening space and time so she can really sort out for herself her best way forward, considering several options, and avoid making a quick decision which she may later regret. A male counsellor is also available if required. The Centre offers baby clothes and equipment to women who need it, and advice on support agencies in the locality. Post abortion counselling is also available.

Remember there’s a tub at the back of church where you can leave non perishable items for Doorstep clients.
Many thanks for the donations already received.
Bev and Ben

3.30 for 4.00pm start.

Remember TODZ and FURNITURE STORE when you are thinking of donating goods.
We can put most things to a good use!!
Bev, Gren and Lesley

For your Diary

Sunday 1st November
Frank Mwiko (Chairman - Yorkshire Prayer Conference) at 6pm service

Network Gathering
Please note that the next Network Gathering will be a “Festival service” at the Spa Threatre as part of the Christian Music Festival on Sunday November 22nd at 10.30am. This will feature “Riding Lights” Please come and bring your friends.

There is no Network gathering on 18th October as previously advertised

The UCB “Word For Today” provides helpful bible readings & bible notes for everyday. They are obtainable from the back of church. First one is free, then 50p per copy. See Anne Couper for further details or ring 01262 404100

The UCB Notes also incorporate “Bible in a Year Reading” which gives a Bible reading plan to read the whole Bible in one year

11.00am Service
In case you missed the notice, we have introduced coffee in the middle of the service from August 30th. This will help us welcome new people and increase our meeting together as a congregation. Trax and the Start Course will continue as usual.

The style of the service will be welcoming, informal and relaxed. We are also excited about two other new ventures which will be starting on September 6th. We are planting out two new churches from the 11am service which we anticipate to start in a small way and grow.

The first is ‘Play & Do Church’ meeting in the Church Hall with Moira Jefferson. This will be a church based around children activities in which parents are present.

Secondly a ’Youth Church’ (incorporating Freestyle) in the Key Centre which will also start on September 6th. This will be open to all over the age of 11 and to which we can invite adults in the 20’s and 30’s age group.

Please pray about these significant changes and we look forward to all that God will do in the Autumn with us.

Update from PCC
At the July meeting the lighting scheme for Christ Church was considered. We are grateful to God that we have already received over £27,000 but the scheme would cost about £45,000 and therefore has been put on hold until finances permit

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Churches Together Choir

CHURCHES TOGETHER CHOIR for the Christian Community Musical Festival - SINGERS WELCOME

Rehearsals for the sung musical "COME TOGETHER" commence on THURSDAY 17th SEPTEMBER at the Salvation Army Church, 7.30pm

We shall be rehearsing regularly on a Thursday evening until the 12th November, with additional reheasals on Saturday afternoon 14th November and Tuesday evening 17th Novmember. There will be a final rehearsal in the SPA ROYAL HALL on Saturday morning 21st November prior to the evening presentation, commencing 7pm.

This is an extraordinary opportunity to bring a Christian musical to the renovated Spa. It promises to be a special event. Please pray for our won Christ Church singers/musicians and singers from across our churches and community as we join together for this event. If you would like to know more please come on 17th September.

Anthony Clarke

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

"The Seeker With Insight" a poem by Neil Mackay

We’re going up that hill and down yon dale.
I want to penetrate the thick dark veil.
His presence to know and His touch to feel,
There’s more to life than some ancient wheel.

Therefore, dear Isaac we travel on still,
It seems a mystery to know God’s will.
Patiently He watches, wonders and waits,
Trusting we’ll enter through the Kingdom’s gates.

For He has purposed that all men should know
The beauty, the wonder of true love’s glow.
And so dear son, this is what we will seek,
Though as jars of clay we are somewhat weak.

An altar awaits an appointed mount,
A place of glory – life’s most precious fount.
Where love and sacrifice as one abound
So joy and wonder, not our grief, astound!

© Neil Mackay Theta Publications June 2009

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Small Groups Expansion Initiative

Arguably a local Church is only as strong as the groups that constitute its body life. For us, this includes our Network Congregations, our Youth and Children’s Groups and Small Groups (Housegroups and Bible Study Groups) as well as the Mission and Outreach Groups that aim to export the life of God from our midst. With the exception of the Outreach Groups all other gatherings aim at building up, by supporting and encouraging as well challenging, its body members to discover and then fulfil their calling to serve God within and without the Church setting.

Though we can recommend that people should regularly attend a Network Congregation (see Heb.10:25) and equally important a Small Group, it is generally recognised that people find their own level of involvement and participation.
Motivation is a key issue in all aspects of life. It’s a driving force that moves us forward with a sense of purpose that seeks its fulfilment. With it mighty things are ventured and gained; without it real achievement will always be elusive.
This is no more so than in church life. How do we obtain this majestic, though mysterious commodity? Maybe modelling is part of the answer?
Simply put: is my fire an attractive blaze that others want to catch, burn brightly themselves, and then replicate the process?

In the July issue of Network News the importance of “Belonging” was highlighted and the following points and questions raised, which are worth repeating.

Consider what the centre of CHURCH is – YOU ARE! (under the Lordship of Jesus). Has this really sunk in yet?
As the summer break comes round shortly use this time to think:

Am I a regular team member of a Congregation?

Isn’t it time for me to be part of a Housegroup, or be a Housegroup Leader?

September, or before, would be a good time to have some positive answers.

As a Church we want to grow at all levels, in both quality and quantity. The hall-mark of a healthy organism – plant or animal – is to reproduce itself. Increasing the number of Congregations and Housegroups is a desired aim of this Church.

To look at these issues relating to Housegroups expansion, Housegroup Leaders, any aspiring Housegroup Leaders, or, people wanting to join a Housegroup are very welcome to attend a meeting on Wednesday 23rd September at 7:30pm in Church.

Neil Mackay. Small Groups Pastor

Epiphany Concerts

Epiphany Coffee Concert Series

Thursday, 13 August 2009

House of Prayer September 2009

Every Tues, Wed & Thu
Quiet Time 9am to 10am (except Tues no quiet time)
Short service 10am to 10.30am
Coffee Break 10.30am to 11.00am
Prayers 11.00am to 12.00noon

Tue 8th September Prayers Jean Wilkinson
Wed 9th September Kingdom of God Ruth Snell
Thu 10th September The Nations Mike & Shirley Green

Tue 15th September Prayers Mike & Shirley Green
Wed 16th September Revival Christina Denton
Thu 17th September The Persecuted Church Shirley Holdsworth

Tue 22nd September Martongate Ann Straker
Wed 23rd September Marriage Matters Jim & Rosemary Gillespie
Thu 24th September Prayers Mike & Shirley Green

Tue 29th September Community Barbara Williams
Wed 30th September Learning Shirley Moir
Thu 1st October Prayers Mike & Shirley Green

The Boys’ Brigade Sleepover

On 21st June, the 1st Bridlington took part in a one-off trip called the “Giant Sleepover”. All the companies in that area took part too and we all made new friends. When we arrived in York we had a walk on the city walls. And we went near York Minister. We also didn’t get ready for bed until 12.10pm and by the next day we were all struggling to keep our eyes open!

By Thomas Thomson
1st Bridlington News Reporter

Ist Bridlington Boys' Brigade Summer Report

Anchors Section – age 6 to 8 have had an active session with treasure hunt games on the beach. Walked a nautical mile. In the autumn they will be having a trip to York Railway Museum.

The Junior Section 8 to 11 years have had treasure hunts, beach games. They have also learned basic map reading and compass bearings. In June they took part in a ‘giant sleepover’ at York Railway Museum, sleeping among the trains. During the evening the boys had ten projects to achieve which included building robots, rocket cars, design a paper aeroplane and driving a real train. The Company Section also took part. Ben Doherty was the overall winner. Conner Spooner won the paper aeroplane design with a flight of 50 metres. Jordan Harrison won top construction project. The sleepover was a nationwide event. In the Autumn the Juniors will be going on a trip to Fort Paul.

The Company Section have had a full programme of award work. Earlier in the year four boys went to Huddersfield to train for the expedition award carrying full packs over twelve miles, cooking their meals, all without supervision (they only got lost twice!) Badge has included Christian Education, First Aid, games etc. They also took part in the “Giant Sleepover”

On July 31st at 11.30pm the Company joined with other companies for Annual Camp. This was at Maidstone in Kent. We travelled through the night arriving at the campsite at 9am. The Avon Company who were there the previous week were still on parade in full uniform. After they departed we set up camp and then off to the Leisure Centre for a swim. After a good evening meal the boys made full use of the sports facilities and assault course.

At the evening prayers the camp was introduced to the theme of devotions for the week which was Truth. At the close of prayers we said the evening collect followed by last post. This happened every night. After breakfast on Sunday we had Sunday worship. The Bible was introduced as the ultimate truth. After this session a number of boys came at various times earnestly asking questions about faith etc.

During the week there were many competitions, games etc, trips to the beach and “free time”. On Tuesday we went to Chiswick Caves. These were actually carved out over the last 1000 years for flint. During the war the local population lived in them, each family having a plot. There was a shop, hospital and entertainment area. More bombs fell on that area than any around London. We also had a trip to “Banger Racing”, very exciting. On Thursday we had a trip to “Go Ape”. Most boys went up swinging over 100ft through the trees. Others went mountain biking. Friday night the officers and boys put on a concert and a posh meal with toasts and speeches.

During camp it was very clear that some of the boys had advanced in faith. On return one officer reported that a mother had rung up. Her son had returned a totally different young man. She was in tears and couldn’t thank us enough. Of course God is the one we thank!

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Sermon Podcast

A recent sermon "In the Place of Weakness" by Jonathan Couper.

This and other archive sermons from Christ Church Bridlington are available at:

Romania Update from Val Taylor

Greetings from Satu-Mare!

Can’t believe it’s nearly September!

From today 135 days to shop for Christmas. I am writing this the 11th of August. So many things seem to change it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Will be able to share more when I’m back. After Joseph’s brother smashing the house he collected everything together and it’s just wonderful how things work for good. In the beginning we wanted Joseph to build on his property but he wanted his brother to have well out of what he salvaged. He’s extended his sitting room and is building a kitchen so its great. We went to his home to celebrate his youngest son’s birthday. The effort that went into everything. I think they must have pooled glasses, plates & food. Amazing and good to see the children playing and having fun. A great time but they didn’t eat. Very humbling were we are now. All our children have birth certificates and we got them free; not a penny to pay.

On the 4th of August we went to Joseph’s for a meeting at 11am. He was so clean - trousers and shirt. He collected the little flock. we sang, prayed, Diana gave a word. They learn the songs so well and some are Hungarian not Romanian. Were a right bunch, but were all growing on the same vine, and the joy of the Lord is so evident. This is truly answered prayer. It has been needed for so long. Some don’t get to church - some only Sunday morning. I said to Remus we wouldn’t feed a new baby once a week - they need fellowship.

Then we went shopping. They are much wiser than we were when we used to do it and they have the joy of choosing. On Sunday Joseph, Melinda and their daughter Melinder were in church and we sang the song we learn’t. Everyone was crying. I didn’t think it was that bad! - no people are really starting to see what is happening among the gypsies in the church.
We have a man Marchel and his wife Monica. They have just come to the Lord. He is the cousin of one of the brothers and we have been praying for Marchel as he had a drink problem. Praise God they are like the morning dew.

There are still many things to be sorted out in the church building.But the pressure of the access been taken off is wonderful. You can see and feel the release. We have so much to praise God for. Our sadness is for the black beautiful alsation who has guarded the church for years and had to be put to sleep. She has not been well for a while, but just got worse very quickly. They couldn’t operate because she was old.

Our next plan is to build some toilets. You really don’t need to read the details. I will tell you a real experience.We’re also looking at some showers, but don’t know yet how that will work. There is no hot water, but that would be ok in the summer. But we have to look at drainage. We do have an idea, thanks to Mark, Nick and Anthony.

To go to school the children are given a pencil and a work book, after that it’s buy your own. We have some bright children. They must have a chance as they grow in God. They have the ability to turn the tide.They just need the chance; they have a right. Please pray please:
1 For the children - the hope of the future
2 Lasting ministry for adults and children
3 Husbands of the wives in church to be saved.
4.Awana Club, the children’s work in the church
5. We now have three husbands out of work
6.Vassillica is very sick
7. The little girl’s eye
8. All churches evangelism in November. It’s to do with Luis Palau, evangelist.
9 Remus mum has Alzheimer’s
10 A releasing from the past

Praise God for Marrianna the lady with liver problems. She has had an operation and is fine. I hope to be in Bridlington between the 6th and 8th of October. I fly into London in September. I’m going to my daughter and her husband and family before they go back to America. God has done some amazing things to make this possible. Then I will go to Hereford to see my son. I thought this would save travel time and money. Maybe wisdom does come with old age - no comment Dr Clarke. And then hope fully some quality time with you. I will be going to Glasgow, but intend to stay till the beginning of January. I have a few arrangements to make for 2010. God bless you all looking forward to recharging batteries.
Love Val

David & Chris Price August 2009 Newsletter

Microsoft Word - August 2009

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Network News Items

If you have a notice for September Network News (printed version) please forward at the latest by Tuesday 25th August. It will be published on Sunday 6th September

You can find all the issue dates and deadlines at:

Friday, 7 August 2009

Listen to Rachel Hickson

Below you can listen to Rachel Hickson as she talked at Christ Church, Bridlington on 20th July 2009

Rachel talks about "Praying For The Nation"

The second talk "The Word that we Declare" is available at the Christ Church Sermon site:

Thursday, 6 August 2009

CCS Learning Prospectus 2009 - 2010

Christ Church Community Services learning has recently published a new prospectus for 2009:2010 (see below)

2009-2010 pdf

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


Having just returned from UK I am writing this from Kampala in Uganda:

Praise God journey went well to Uganda. I fly to Maridi tomorrow.

Pray for the health of both my parents as my Mum had a slight stroke on July 22nd. However when I left she was much improved.

Until February 2009 he was my Assistant Manager in the TEE Programme. He was due to retire in November this year as his health has not been good. However while in UK I heard he had died in Mid July.

Pray as I wait for the Province to appoint another Assistant Manager and also find funding for the programme.

Pray as I train our Archdeacons and Rural Deans from August 12th-13th on how to lead the new Discipleship Training Course which we have written ourselves. Every parish in the diocese will then use it from the second week of September until mid December.

I now have no funding for the TEE programme and only some small gifts towards the Discipleship Training. Pray that Project Proposals I have written will be successful in finding funding

Many, many thanks to those who have sent me gifts to help pay Wilson's salary (my driver) now TEE can no longer cover this.

The three week MA Summer School in Gloucester was excellent but now I have much work to do including four big assignments to be written during the next nine months. There are no extensive libraries here so getting resources will not be easy. I hope I will be clever enough to find some things on the internet. 50% of my time is for my studies so pray I can protect that time when there are so many demands here.

I put on a lot of weight during my time in UK and my cholesterol is too high. Pray I can rectify these things now I am back here.

Pray for my colleagues in Sudan - Ruth, Garry and David and Heather.

For this I may be looking at 'We have a problem retaining the Youth in Maridi Diocese due to a lack of Discipleship Training'. I need to start gathering resources for this so if you know anyone who has experience in how we can retain youth in the churches, and also the best way to disciple youth, then please let me know.

There have only been eight cases in Uganda, and none yet in Southern Sudan. No travel restrictions at present.

LRA the Ugandan rebel group are still roaming around in our part of Sudan but not too close to Maridi at present. Pray for a solution to this problem.

With best wishes,
Trisha Wick