Wednesday, 15 July 2009

News From Epiphany

Dear friends,

Thanks for praying for our involvement in the ‘Whatever Next?’ day on Monday. We had a lovely day working together with Jeremy Clare to put on this pilot venture. Jeremy’s idea of having a day away to explore the question ‘Whatever Next?’ as people come to various crossroads in their life, is a tried and tested model that has worked extremely well for many people over the last few years. Adding music to this to help in the exploration process seemed to be an excellent idea to try.

We played several pieces of music throughout the day: some classical music (a lovely Handel Sonata movement which we all took part in – even Keith Entwistle on percussion!), a gentle rendition of a well known worship song – and a number of different and varied improvisations. Clearly many were touched or spoken to as we played, including a number who were not Christians.

One person came up to us at the end of the day and said that our improvised music was just like Jesus ministering – He comforted those in pain, struggling with life. Sometimes He was misunderstood or rejected but He reached out in love to those in greatest need. This person felt that our music was like this – Jesus walking among them ministering to needs in a deep way. Some wouldn’t understand as the music sometimes isn’t ‘easy listening’ (like worship music or gentle classical music is), but it touched the deepest parts of people’s lives.

Others wrote:

• Your music released words, pictures, thoughts etc in such a concentrated amount of time compared to what I would normally ‘hear’

• The improvisation was brilliant – sensitive, inspired and helpful
We’re going to explore whether it may be possible to put on more days like this. It would be great to offer such a day again as it clearly helped many who were there. However, from a cost perspective it isn’t easy to make this work as the team was fairly large: 5 musicians, Jeremy Clare and 2 other facilitators – plus catering, travel, venue hire etc. So do pray that Jeremy in particular would have wisdom as he ponders this.

All in all, and excellent day and one which we thoroughly enjoyed being part of.

I thought you may like to know that we have now posted videos onto YouTube of our recent performance (in June) of Schubert’s ‘Trout’ Quintet as part of the ‘Sunday Evening Coffee Concerts with Epiphany’ series at Poynton Methodist Church. We thought you may like to see a video of this – so here are the links to the various movements of this piece:

Do let us know what you think!

Our main series of 5 ‘Sunday Evening Coffee Concerts with Epiphany’ for next season begins with our 1st concert on Sunday 20th September – with 4 other concerts planned over the following few months. I’ve attached a flyer about this series - do come along if you can. Seasons tickets are available offering 5 concerts for the price of 4. Do get in touch if you’d like to join us for all/some of these concerts.

Please also put the date of our next ‘Happening’ in your diary – which is Saturday eve 24th October. Again, do join us for this if you can.

Thanks again for your much valued prayer. Please continue to pray that we'd walk closely with our Father and continue to be obedient to His call.
Every blessing,

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