Thursday, 30 July 2009

Dear All

Jesus came to give life on the inside where it counts . This life comes by knowing God as Father (John 17:3), something which we all can do whether we had an earthly father we knew or not. On the inside we know how to pray without anyone telling us, and once we give Jesus permission to partner with us in that inside realm of our lives, we also begin to know what He is doing and thinks about stuff around us and within us. We start a journey which means we grow in trust and obedience of Him. This changes our life, brings to us on the inside resources we never knew we could have, and this inside life will show itself around us. When this happens to people in sufficient numbers it brings blessing to communities and changes nations for the better. “God so loved the world” reminds us that God is for everyone having this life and living life to be a possible blessing to everyone.

The adverts would try to say that life is found in money and possessions. Jesus explicitly said that you would not find life there (Luke 12:15), but only anxiety (Luke 12:22,8:14). The Bible also says that life is now found in knowledge and education (Ecclesiastes 12:12; 1:18). In addition breaking any of the 10 commandments do not bring life. Committing murder kills; but so does adultery! Relationships where there is immorality or betrayal do not bring life. Sex in the forbidden zone has an excitement which quickly turns sours as there is no true foundation to move on into building the relationship together further. Proverbs 9:17-18; 23:27; 5:15-23; 6:23. How many in our nation are being fooled into seeking to find life in this way....immorality is so prevalent that few even question sex outside marriage as a possible wrong thing to do, and the church is often silent on the issue! Where are the adults with a righteous lifestyle who can model the truth? There are many faithful marriages, but how many of those were engaged in sex before they got married?

Life is found in repentance. Turning from our pride and self assurance to Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Repentance is marked by change. Our old choices will still raise their heads trying to get us to repeat first the patterns and then the sins of our past or the sins within the community where we live; repentance is a path where we stick to obedience in the relationship with Jesus. Jesus died on a cross so that we could be forgiven. We no longer need to operate according to the sins we once did, making up for the past or fearful of the future. We can live life with God each day, for Jesus is raised from the dead!! All we need to do is follow Jesus. Life is found here and nowhere else!!!


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