Thursday 18 June 2009

BELONGING... it's so essential!

God’s original directive was that, “it is not good for man to be alone”.
This is the basis of society and is designed by God to meet a vital human need. So families, clans, tribes, and indeed most social groupings all hold to this intrinsic value of “being together”.

In God’s redeemed community, the Church, we are part of it by God’s inclusion (a spiritual reality) but the true value of it is when we make the effort to join with others (thus making it an earthly reality).

Many years ago I spoke with a fellow school teacher about attending church. His point was that you didn’t need to go Church to be a Christian. My point was that if you wanted to play Rugby you had to join with other enthusiasts and form a team, you can’t play by yourself! Real New Testament life means we have to meet together and share what God has and will give us.

Attending a congregation on a Sunday gives the opportunity to be part of a team; but to follow the Rugby analogy further, training - where strength and skill are developed in a small group context - is also vital for the balance and growth in a team’s overall performance.
We learn who we are in a social context, primarily in a group setting particularly in a supportive and caring framework, like a Housegroup.

We believe that God wants us to increase the number of Small Groups within the Christ Church Network.

Consider what the centre of CHURCH is – YOU ARE! (under the Lordship of Jesus). Has this really sunk in yet?

As the summer break comes round shortly use this time to think:

Am I a regular team member of a Congregation?

Isn’t it time for me to be part of a Housegroup, or be a Housegroup Leader?

September, or before, would be a good time to have some positive answers.

For Housegroup questions please contact: Neil Mackay, Small Groups Pastor.

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