Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Martongate Community Church

Don Cossett in his book “What you say is what you get” says the following

“The bible says (Mark 16:20) that the disciples went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following . Jesus said if you ask anything in my name, I will do it (John 14:14). Who does the work? Jesus does the work. You do the asking, and Jesus does the giving. You do the preaching, and Jesus confirms the word. You say Jesus does. Since God does all the work, it’s important to give Him all the glory for it.”

On the opening day of Martongate Community Church Nov 11th 2004 Arnold Norton gave a very clear message for the purpose of the Church and he spoke these words of our mission, under our network mission of Jesus Christ for all.

Our aim is to bring the Love of Jesus into people’s lives by:-
Serving the community
Expressing God’s Love
Reaching out
Valuing every person
Enjoying fellowship with one another

This aim has been printed on the front sheet of our weekly news letter Martongate Matters for five years and although we seldom refer to it, Arnold spoke the word and God has done the work, mainly by sending people to us who have stood in the gap between the church and the community; by God showing us how much He loves us so that we are able to express God’s love in the community; by reaching out; by the church valuing every person who attends or has attended the church; by enjoying our fellowship before and after our meetings and in the house groups.

We do the asking Jesus does the work. The church has grown from 15 to 55 in 5 years. The church is reaching out into the community with Mums and Tots, Signpost, craft fayres. We do the asking Jesus does the giving

Don Cossett goes onto to say

“What you confess you possess. If it is negative confession the results will be negative. If it is a positive confession, the results will be Godward. When your heart gives a ringing positive “YES” to the Word, positive results will begin to occur in your life”
We have not sat down and done a sense check on our position with regard to our aim, but because we said it publically and positioned it on the front of our news letter every week God has honoured that, as we have strived to do His will.

God Bless
Roger and Angela

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