Monday, 22 February 2010

Springboard 2010


Anne had a picture of an escalator going upwards which became a river flowing downwards. We believe God is taking us onto a new level from which God’s blessing is being poured among us. Part of this new level is in the area of ministry beyond our current boundaries. Some of you may be aware we are holding a conference in the Spa in October where we hope to welcome many from other parts of the UK (and Europe), but before that there is a weekend Jonathan and Anne are holding in Bawtry where people are coming from all over the UK.

This is gaining more significance not only because of the good numbers coming, but also because of the quality of Christian disciple, and the varying positions they occupy of influence in our nation and the world. God is birthing something (but we are not yet clear what). In addition there are signs of partnerships being formed between us and some churches outside the Bridlington area, and we have an opportunity to influence for good people and situations far beyond the boundaries of Bridlington.

Combined with this we are starting leaders training days (first one June 12th) for all leaders of any small group/project/church which would want to benefit. We think this might be linked to a plan God may have for us to be one of the resource churches for the nation at this time. The network is at the heart of all this, and no doubt finance will follow what we are doing. What I am asking you to do is to join with us in “priming the pump” for this regional side of our ministry.

We are launching SPRINGBOARD 2010. You buy a share by agreeing to contribute £10 a month for a year (or more). You can buy as many shares as you like. The money raised through Springboard 2010 will be used by the PCC only to facilitate revival in our nation, and would be initially focused on helping with the leaders days and the October conference. This is, however just the start. If you feel God is calling you to contribute to this, it will bring about blessing for the many.

01262 404100 for Springboard Forms or e-mail

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