Friday, 25 September 2009

Looking for God?

Connection Video
by topc

Have you ever had the line go dead while making a phone call? When that happens, you try to reestablish the connection as quickly as possible, so you can continue the conversation. As you'll see in this short film, our relationship with God has been interrupted much like a dropped call. As the father, in this movie, gives his everything to try and reestablish the connection with his daughter, God, our Heavenly Father, has given everything to reconnect with us. Why? Because he loves us deeply and unconditionally!By going through the 5 steps of discovery, following the movie, we invite you to discover, or rediscover, this amazing love!

To find out more click here

Friday, 18 September 2009

Hand Of God - Chandra NASA

This amazing picture was taken by NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory from it’s orbiting 360 miles above the Earth.

According to NASA, this hand looking structure is caused by energizing knots of material in a neighboring gas cloud. Astronomers believe that this hand-shaped structure, known as PSR B1509-58 (created by a collapsed star), is roughly 1,700 years old and is located 17,000 light years from Earth.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Link Romania Shoebox Appeal

Link Romania is again running the shoebox appeal.

Anyone wishing to take part, please pick up a leaflet from the Key Centre Reception. A charge of £2 towards transport is necessary, when you return your full box. Boxes to be ready by Bonfire Night Thursday 5th November)

Don't know what to put in your box? Get the leaflet or watch this video.

There are rules of what we can ship and what we can't. Any other questions please to Sue Graily. You can increase your £2 by filling in the gift aid form on the leaflet if you are a taxpayer. Full boxes can be returned to:

Key Centre Reception 2 Quay Road, Bridlington /Todz/Furniture Store

To download a leaflet click here

For further information click here

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Yorkshire Prayer Conference - Prayer & Presence Meeting

The Yorkshire Prayer Conference are meeting at Christ Church this Monday 21st September.

Before they meet the Yorkshire Prayer Conference organizers will be having a

Prayer & Presence Meeting in the Main church 9.15am to 10.15am.

You are welcome to attend.

Monday, 14 September 2009


Greetings to you all and thank you for your prayers.

I have just returned from a visit to Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan. We were able to get various documents we needed, plus spent time in the Provincial Office with the Archbishop and his staff. At present they are unable to give further funding for the TEE programme and are unable to replace my Assistant Manager who died in July. Pray that God sees the TEE through these difficult times.
The cat in the compound next to mine has been stealing chickens for a long time now. I have lost at least 20. The owner wished to kill the cat but didn't know how to as there are no vet here. Last week while I was away, my watchman killed it with his bow and arrow and then cut its head off with a machete (sharp knife). I was glad it was done in my absence as it was originally one of my kittens from about five years ago, The chickens are very happy.
Every parish in the Diocese (58 altogether) will start to use the Following Jesus Course I have written from September 18th for three months. Please pray for that. I praise God that CMS is able to help with funding.
These are going well and I am on target with assignments at present. But no good library within 500 miles.
These are due in April 2010 but there are may problems ahead. There is also a Referendum in 2011 when the Southerners will vote as to whether to stay united with the North, or to secede and become independent. Troublesome times are ahead. Pray we do not return to war.
This has been good in Maridi for the past six months. Pray that the LRA rebels do not return.
Please pray for the health of both of them. They seem to be reasonably OK at present.
My driver Wilson is now also Diocesan Youth Leader and is loving the work, and we are seeing increasing numbers. My next CMS Link Letter will focus on Youth Work in Maridi Diocese. Wilson still needs funding so pray for a positive response to his project proposals.
It is getting old and needs more and more repairs. We hope to replace it during the next two years. I now need to buy six new tyres as the old ones are giving us punctures which is a nuisance.
I have five adorable ones including a little ginger one who is the runt of the litter. He is very small but has a huge character. He has one abnormal eye. I have called him Pickles. He sleeps on my shoulder. I am very tempted to keep him but can I cope with three cats?
Many thanks to those of you who remembered my birthday on September 4th.
Bishop Justin has been asked to be the Caretaker Bishop for a new Diocese called Nzara which is being created out of part of Yambio Diocese. Elections will soon take place for a Bishop of Nzara. Pray for Bishop Justin as he takes on this extra role.
Last month our Archbishop was admitted to hospital in Khartoum with bleeding stomach ulcers. He lost a lot of blood. He is now back home in Juba but only working for four hours a day. Pray for his healing.
Pray for the Headquarters in Oxford as they face severe financial challenges due to the global economic situation.
This year we have had excellent rain in Maridi and we will have two harvests this year. However only 100 miles away going east, the rains have been poor, and huge areas of Southern Sudan are facing the prospect of severe famine. It seems it is only Western Equatoria, which covers Maridi, Ibba, Yambio and Ezo which will escape the famine. No food is now entering Sudan from Uganda due to the problem of famine in Northern Uganda. Food is being sent from Khartoum but it is very expensive. I love this time of year with a mixture of sun and rain. It is very green and lush here.

God bless you all and thank you for your ongoing support.

Trisha Wick

Dan Clarke Update

Hey all, just a first week update on how the gap year is going. Then I should be doing a regular newsletter at the end of every month.It was a long 11 hour flight over here, of which I hardly got any sleep so when I arrived and met the Ambassadors in Sport (AIS) people, I was extremely tired.I have got a really nice host family, the Botha's.

With two children slightly younger me. Called Daniel 17 and Gina 15. After a long sleep on the tuesday night I went to help do some coaching at a school, the group is called "We are the Giants!".On wednesday Mark one of the AIS staff let me drive his car from my house to the office which is about 10 km. It was a scary first experience, with a different (horrible) car in a busy (unfriendly driving) city. I also went to a cell group for the first time with "the botha's" at the pastors house.On thursday it was an early start as Will (AIS guy) and I went to Leuukop Prison to help coach at a "Hope Academy" that has been there since January.

I expected it to be really hard working with the guys in the Juvenile prison, who wouldn't want anything to know about God.I was wrong and before we played football, a pastor came and spoke, then we broke off into groups and talked about the sermon. The guys were soo keen on God and didn't seem in a rush to play football. One of the guys there even said in the future he might want to be a pastor. So it shocked me how much these academys in prison can help change the youth's who have pretty much nothing to have God and together as a team train a few times a week. The academys have a logo of "Football, Faith, Future" and as I saw it is extremely successful. As part of the football part, one of the coaches said I could take part in the fitness with the lads "to get to know them more". However the fitness was nothing that I had ever experienced before, with intense stamina and pace work in 30 degree + temperatures with a very high altitude nearly killed me.Most of the week was preparing for a Freestyling event we hosted on saturday. Encouraging all ages to take part. This was a success as loads entered and some got through to the final at Orlando Stadium.

More news on this will be on .The church i go to here is quite closely linked to ambassadors in sport so I know a few people who go there already. I hope that is enough, sorry if it is too much.Keep up with the prayers please.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The Vicar writes...

Dear All,

Andrew Moreland in his sermon at Christ church mentioned TD Jakes’s point about how to count to 100. He said all you have to know is how to count one to 9. And know how to get to the next level (10) and then all you do is do the same again (1-9) until you get to the next level (20) and so on. Andrew was not giving us a lesson in arithmetic but making an important point about levels in our Christian walk.

A new level is marked by change, new opportunities and challenges, and new choices which determine our character and our destiny (in the sense we can choose to run into or away from His will). The comfort is that we need to keep on doing what we have always been doing. The basics of our walk with God should not change. We should continue to pray, go to church, seek to be in agreement with the fellowship, read our bible and be genuine and humble, but we need to increase these things to match the new level, for satan will try to exploit whatever weakness he can, for any new level directly affects his schemes and strategies.

When I was on the committee for the Yorkshire Prayer conference , the chairman Frank Mwikwo, said to us all that we needed to pray more than we had done before because we were operating at a different level (not town but county) and without increasing our prayer to match our call, satan might be able to attack our spouses, children, families, or churches .. We have over the years, experienced moving from one level to another (evangelical to charismatic; charismatic to Wimber; Wimber to Toronto, community projects on site to town to key Centre, from parish church to network etc). In life there is no stay, and a living church will have this experience often. However many times it happens, there is a part of us that wants to stay at the old level, and there is the even more difficult part of us which felt the need for change, was discontent with the old level, but cannot see the new level as being the answer.

All of us will know some of this, and my hope every time it happens is that we all recognise (eventually) that this is the Lord who is doing this and will agree together to the extent that we are active and fully participating at that level which enables the full manifestation of God’s glory at that level to be seen.

May God continue to lead us on as we move in compassion for the lost, the young, the weak, the victim, the poor and the alone.


We wish Andrew Moreland well as he leaves West Hill to train at St John’s Nottingham for
ordination. I would like to thank Andrew on behalf of the network pastors and West Hill for all he has done in the network. We will be praying for him and Liz in this time of transition