Friday, 26 June 2009

The Vicar writes...

Dear All,

We welcome Dave and Deb Chislett to the Christ Church Network as our curate. We are excited that God has called them to be with us for this time and we hope you will get to know them as we walk together in the purpose of God.

The morning sermon themes in June have been on the theme of discipleship, and, so I thought this month I would put pen to paper about this theme.

Jesus said Go and make disciples of all nations. So our chief job is making disciples. The question soon follows how does this happen? As we have been seeing, Jesus made disciples by asking them to come and follow him. Discipleship happens in a context of movement to a purpose. It does not happen purely in the context of knowing other Christians (though this is an essential element), it really happens when that group of Christians are following God and you are joining in with them. Belonging to a group of believers who are moving in a clear direction under God is the essential environment for us all. Being clear about the church direction and moving in that direction stops us being people who help others take their eye off the ball and sometimes even in the name of pastoral care cause them to lose direction and find confusion and discouragement as a result.

Secondly Jesus asked them to be disciples so they could be with him.. Jesus said that we had to learn to abide in him before he could abide in us.(Abide in me and in you John 15:4).In John 14:23, he describes this process. If we love and obey him (abiding in God) he then makes his home with us (abides in us). When the disciples agreed to follow Jesus they were not yet equipped, they were just obeying but as a result God formed in them so they became fishers of men. Abiding in God is the place where formation occurs. Paul expected Christ to be formed in the Galatians (4:19). This comes about by loving and obeying Him. We are formed in the image of God (Col 3:10, 2Cor 3:18 see Gen 1:27b). Abiding in God allows God to make that transformation work in us.

There is a mindset change needed......Discipleship is about drawing people after the purpose of God, not teaching people how to be good Christians; Discipleship is introducing people to the presence of God so that their responses bring about something on the inside of each person so that what was once in the unseen becomes tangible within the life and experience of the disciple. Let me use a simple illustration. Say God’s purpose for someone is to read the bible out loud publically. The wrong approach is to do training events where they learn the different ways to read the bible, the different types of scripture or the different services in which the bible is read . Instead the way it works is that God uses someone to invite you to read a lesson in church (something you have never done before). You obey the call, and read the lesson as a result you are able to read the bible in public. This is the way Jesus would do it. Training might well be valuable after people have started on the road. It involves adjusting our methods and growing in understanding. But this happens as we do it and interact with others.

The more we welcome people to feel they can take part with us the more discipleship happens. Bring people with you to your small group just because you will be there rather than whether they will enjoy it or not (though we reckon they will really find it good for them!); same also for that church congregation. How else are you going to make disciples? If you are involved in a project, let people help you; invite people to join with you in worship. This is true for your discipleship of your children as well as your friends. Don’t make the mistake some Christians make of apologizing – e..g. to a young person... its not for young people or to an old person... you may find it noisy, or even worse don’t come where i go because you will not understand it and will not get much out of it.. Cannot God speak to anyone who asks? Sometimes in the decision to obey God and move into(say) a church congregation, God speaks, sometimes in the most unlikely ways. We must just let God do His work. Deal with the questions if they should arise when they ask them not before. The focus is always on what God is doing! if you are aware your friend and others needs something we are not offering at the moment talk to me in case God is showing us something for further growth in the kingdom opportunity there.

In closing,..just to say..if we do not read the bible and pray each day, go to church each week, or attend a small group neither will those we disciple. They will become just like us.
“Lord may we love and obey you more that those who follow us may also know you more”.

God bless,

PS In the Autumn we are inviting Andy Hall to start a discipleship course for anyone whether Christian or non Christian where we hope all will be drawn into the purpose of God and as a result start to manifest the kingdom of God. If you are interested in this they will be held on Saturdays once a month (starting Saturday Nov 7th) after the releasing the Kingdom 2 conference in Friday 9th & Saturday 10th October

East Coast Christian Community Music Festival

Bringing Church and Community Together Through Music
18-22 November 2009

After months of planning the East Coast Christian Culture Music Festival is beginning to take shape. Centred on Bridlington the festival has attracted the support of the Bridlington Urban Renaissance Town Team and the East Yorkshire Schools Music Service. The festival will open on Wednesday 18th November 2009 with a Big Band Night featuring the Buckrose Concert Wind Band and Hunmanby Silver Band. Thursday night will see local amateur groups performing various musical styles including country and western, jazz etc. Friday evening will see a distinct change of mood as Marylyn Baker the blind gospel singer and recording artists heads the evening supported by a local gospel choir.

We are currently finalising lunchtime and afternoon events concerts to take place Wednesday through to Friday. Both the lunchtime and evening concerts will be at Christ Church so get the dates in your diary its going to be a great week.

Saturday and Sunday (21-22 November 09) events move to the Bridlington Spa complex. Saturday afternoon will see the final of the East Coast Youth Musician Competition in the Spa Royal Hall. This competition has three categories under 11 years, under 14 years and under 19 years. Closing date for entry to the competition is Saturday 19th September but candidates who register by the 31st July can enter the competition free of charge. Schools teachers and private music teachers please note. The East Riding Senior Wind Band will be performing during the competition final. For details see

Sunday afternoon sees the local schools performing in the Spa Theatre at the East Coast Festival of School Music Making. Many local schools have already agreed to take part in this event. This concert will demonstrate the wide range of musical activities in our schools and the talents of young people.

Throughout Saturday a seminar/workshop for worship leaders and worship teams is included in the festival programme. This is to be headed up by Rob Parker and guest speakers. It will cover many aspects of worship leading.

On Saturday evening the Spa Royal Hall will echo to the sound of one of the top Salvation Army bands. This is to be followed by the presentation of the Jimmy and Carol Owen Christian Musical “Come Together.” This was a great blessing when we did this at Christ Church on Pentecost Sunday. Anthony Clarke will be conducting an augmented Churches Together Choir. The Christ Church Choir will provide a core of singers but even if you didn’t sing with the choir on Pentecost Sunday you will be more that welcomed to join the augmented choir. Rehearsals start in September see Anthony’s article for further details.

Sunday morning 22 November 2009 the 9:00am service will be at Christ Church. We will then move to the Spa Theatre for a combined Network Service commencing 10:30am.

Finally on Sunday night at 6:30pm the festival will be brought to a close with a Grand Finale Concert and Thanksgiving in the Bridlington Spa Theatre. It is hoped that East Yorkshire churches will congregate at the Bridlington Spa in a combined witness to the strength of the churches in our communities. This exciting evening will include the mass singing of some of well-known hymns from Charles Wesley, Fanny Crosby, Sankey and the modern writers Darling Zschech and Graham Kendrick. During the evening soloists, groups and instrumentalists from local churches will be invited to take part. The evening will end with a tribute to heroes of the modern Christian church. There will be no charge for entry to this Grand Finale so it offers a great opportunity to invite friends and family to come along.

Booking the Spa for all day Saturday and Sunday is a faith venture. This festival is part of our mission to the community through music. This is a great opportunity to let Bridlington know that the Christian faith is not dead. To help cover the cost we are looking to attract at least 100 patrons. You can become a patron by donating £30.00 or more to the festival. In exchange patrons will be able to attend all the mid week concerts as guests of the organisers free of charge and your name will appear in the Festival Patrons’ list. See Andy Jefferson for details to become a patron or pick up a “patron form” from the rear of the church and become a partner in this faith venture outreach to Bridlington and the surrounding region.

We will be looking for stewards to help in the venues throughout the festival so if you would like to volunteer for this task please see Paul Lowe.

Thanks to Andy and Mandy Gradwell who have created our festival web site, those with access to the internet you can keep up to date with the events programme on or contact The Festival Director, The Key Centre, Quay Road, Bridlington. YO15 2AP. Tel 01262 404100

Thursday, 25 June 2009



Plans are progressing for the Passion Play and the Police/Council have been very supportive of our plans. Cllr Liam Dealtry will play the part of Pontius Pilate.

The next Churches/Community planning meeting will be on Tuesday 1st September at 7.30pm at Emmanuel Church.

Auditions for acting/supporting parts are planned for Sunday 8th November at 2pm again at Emmanuel Church - we anticipate needing upto 50 people in the cast and a further 30 in support as stewards and leaflet distributors. There will also be opportunity for musicians to play on the streets and within the procession as the re-enactment of Jesus' Passion proceeds from Holy Trinity Church along the seafront to Garrison Square, through the town centre to Ebor Gardens and then on past the Spa to south beach for the Crucifixion. Roman Soldiers will be hired from the Roman Bath Museum in York.

The Beverley Passion Play organisers are advising the planning group. Please note that donations to "Churches Together in Bridlington and District" will be gratefully received to facilitate this production, which we pray will be a significant event for many in Bridlington. Please contact myself, Deirdre McGarry or Darron Lawer for further details.

Anthony Clarke



Mark Robson, Nick Briggs and I had the pleasure of visiting our church missionary, Val Taylor, in north west Romania. Remus and Diana Oanta and Claudia Hotea once again offered their hospitality and Val assisted in feeding us well.

Val remains focussed on the plight of the Gypsy community at Ordoreu and it was a joy to witness the fruits of her patient work, in partnership with Emanuel Baptist Church, within that underprivileged gypsy community. It was also good to be present at the very time that the complicated legal securing of access to the church was established, thanks to significant financial donations from several sources including Christ Church (I have photographic proof of the legal papers and the land which has been purchased). Remus was active in co-coordinating practical work by local contractors, one church member and his son and our own Mark and Nick.

There were some frustrations, communication/language difficulties and concerns, as is to be expected in mission work but one of the highlights for me was to play my violin alongside a local professional cor-anglais player, Andrea, as part of the church services and this resulted in us all going to see her play with the Satu Mare Orchestra in a high quality classical concert (a new and memorable experience for Mark and Val). I was also able to network with 5 local doctors, both family doctors and hospital doctors and I pray that this will bear fruit in a future medical partnership with Christian doctors from the UK.

We finished off our time in Romania with a visit to the University city of Cluj-Napoca, sleeping in our hire car (a Vauxhall Corsa) prior to our early morning flight home - none of us will forget that night!!

Finally, I would like to recommend continued support of Val as our missionary. Contributions can be made through Stuart Anderson, Christ Church Treasurer, EITHER to Val personally for use at her discretion, OR for the Feeding/housing/support programme for the gypsies OR to the Emanuel Baptist Church. Please continue to pray for Val and for the possibility of further partnership between our churches.

Anthony Clarke



Members of Bridlington Churches and Community are invited to join together for a joint choral presentation of Jimmy and Carol Owens Musical "Come Together"on Saturday 21st November 7pm in the Spa Royal Hall.

Please consider joining the choir for this event and mark it into your diaries. I am planning for rehearsals to take place at 7.30pm on Thursdays commencing 17th September and I hope that the Christ Church choir will form the core of the larger choir, having already successfully presented the musical at Christ Church. The rehearsal venue will be the Salvation Army Church.

There will need to be auditions for the solo parts, in order to be inclusive of all Bridlington singers.

May I take this opportunity to thank again the Christ Church Choir, Garth Blackburn, Paul Lowe, Neil Mackay, Julia Waines and Dave Clark for all the hard work put into the Christ Church presentation of this musical. If we can facilitate the Churches of Bridlington and District to "come together" in praise and prayer as part of the Christian Culture Music Festival, my prayer and belief is that God will graciously grant his blessing upon us.

Anthony Clarke

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Confirmation Photo

Pictured above:

Confirmation candidates after the confirmation service at Christ Church Bridlington on Sunday 14th June 2009

A Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies (CST-L3) at Christ Church

This is a 90 hour course, typically run on one day per month over the course of one year.

This qualification is for learners who have already acquired some counselling skills and now want to continue their training. It will not teach learners to be counsellors, but it will prepare them to undertake workplace experience as trainee counsellors.

CST-L3 is intended for candidates who, having already acquired CPCAB's Level 2 Certificate In Counselling Skills (or its equivalent), and want to:

»» take the next step in training to become a counsellor;
»» learn more about counselling theory and agency work.

The course is accredited by the CPCAB and the ACC (Association of Christian Counsellors).

For Further Information Contact Polly Hart through the Key Centre Tel 01262 404100

There is a Summer Sale on at Bethany Bookshop at 48 Promenade, Bridlington. Offers start from 4th July 2009. Up to 50% off on selected items. Click on the link below for details

The next meeting of the Full Gospel Business Fellowship International is on Monday 27th July 2009 at 7.15pm at thr River Head Restaurant, Driffield. The speaker is Sally Vilia. To book a place contact Davis Thomson via Christ Church Bridlington 01262 404100 or click on the link below

Bessingby Parish News

Sunday Services at St Mark’s
Morning Prayer: Every Sunday at 10.30am
& Holy Communion every 2nd Sunday.

Every Sunday we have a Crèche
and a Sunday School for 3 to 6 & 7 to 11yrs

St Magnus Church Bessingby Village Flower Festival
Please see list of comments received from some of the people who attended and also those who were involved

· Beautiful Church and the flowers
· Your church is beautiful - the organ music inspiring flowers excellent!
· As always so delightful with wonderful message
· A lovely church and flowers
· All extremely beautiful enjoyed all the arrangements the hard work gone into them. Well done.
· Wonderful display—takes me back to my childhood days at church
· This was the 1st time I have been involved in the Fowler Festival from begging to end—I found the whole weekend a fantastic experience and God answered my prayers for good weather in spite of the forecast.
· Awesome
· Peace and love is the atmosphere in the Church. Praise the Lord.
· Always very beautiful and a tribute to the hard work. Will come again next year
· Excellent—wonderful warm welcome. Imaginative and thought provoking displays—much hard work bears much fruit.
· I have been involved with the flower festival since the first one so this was my seventh and each one has its own special
· memories and this time was the same in every aspect. God was gracious in the way each display came together the message
· being displayed in loving way.
· Very impressive display. Much hard work and thought has gone into all exhibits.
· A beautiful display—very thoughtfully and artistically done. The displays fit so well with the scriptures.

News from Dan Clarke

Dear All,
As some of you may know I am planning a gap year starting in September 2009. I have been accepted by a Christian Organisation called “Ambassadors in Sport” to work as a volunteer in South Africa. Their ethos is ‘bringing hope through football’.

The Ambassadors in Sport Internship Mission statement aims ‘to develop each individual spiritually, whilst training, resourcing and equipping them in sports ministry through theoretical teaching and practical experience’.

As a keen sportsman I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to serve in a country where there is great need. Football will have a very high profile in South Africa in 2010 as it hosts the Football World Cup.

My role will include coaching football, setting up coaching programmes and tournaments. We will also work alongside the local churches presenting the gospel and raising awareness of AIDS and its prevention. I am booked to fly on Sunday 30th August.

I would be very grateful for your prayers to make it an amazing experience and also to keep me safe in a potentially dangerous country. If anyone would like to sponsor me financially, please contact me via reception 01262 404100

Also if anyone has any odd jobs they would like me to do, I would be willing to do these to help finance this gap year.


Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Christ Church Community Services Key Centre – Success Story – Amanda Glew

Amanda Glew came to the Christ Church Community Services Key Centre after a referral from Bridlington Job Centre +. Mandy had been at home looking after a poorly husband for some years and, as a result of this, had lost any confidence she had in herself to do anything apart from stay at home and look after a family. Mandy came initially on the Employability Skills Programme provided in partnership with Job Centre Plus and IGEN, where she took her Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy and passed within quite a short time. Mandy also gained the ASDAN Employability Award at Entry 3 level.

Whilst on the Employability Skills Programme, Mandy undertook 2 successful placements, which she says she really enjoyed and helped her to gain confidence. She felt that with a bit more help with numeracy and a further work placement she would be ready to return to work. Also, during her course of study, Mandy made use of the Christ Church Community Services confidential mentoring service, which she told me helped her to see her personal circumstances differently, this has also contributed towards her being able to move forward with her life.

To help improve her numeracy and get more work experience after completing the Employability Skills Programme, Mandy joined the Christ Church Key Centre Reach Out Course, provided with funding from the Humber Learning Consortium. Whilst on the course she had further assistance with her numeracy working towards level 2 and started a work placement in a care home, where she has been reassured that subject to a CRB check, she will be offered employment and the opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification in Care Work.

Shirley Moir
Head of Learning
Christ Church Community Services

Pastoral Support at Christ Church Bridlington

Pastoral Support began in Christ Church 15 years ago. It was intended that Lay People within the congregation would provide the pastoral support that church members and the community would normally expect from their vicar. This resulted in Jonathan being able to concentrate on other aspects of his ministry.

Pastoral Support has been very successful in providing a confidential service within a church setting. Over 550 individuals have been seen since we began.

In addition over 350 people have been seen at “Listen'in”, our ‘drop-in’ service bookable at the Key Centre Reception, and available for any issue from simple listening or considering options or even ‘what was last Sunday’s sermon all about?’

All team members have undertaken a basic training course whilst the lead team members have undertaken further training, and some are accredited as counsellors with the ACC (Association of Christian Counsellors).

Pastoral Support and the “Listen’in Service” can be accessed through the Key Centre Reception Tel 01262 404100
If you are interested in developing your own Counselling Skills contact Polly Hart: 01262 404100

Here's a great interview with Rick Warren.

He wrote the Purpose Driven Life, A highly recommended book. You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having 'wealth' from the book sales. This is an absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren,
'Purpose Driven Life ' author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California.
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said: People ask me, What is the purpose of life? And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.

One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me.
I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal.. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.

We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.

The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.
We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.

This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer. I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore.

Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life. No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for..
You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems:

If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.

We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her- It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.

You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life. Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy. It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of ease.. So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence.

He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72.

First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit.. We made no major purchases.

Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church.

Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation.

Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.

We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity?
Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)?

When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings..

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.

If you do not pass it on, nothing will happen. But it will just be nice to pass it on to a friend....just like I have done

Monday, 22 June 2009

Prayer & Presence Prayer Meeting - Is now the first Tuesday of the month.
The next Meeting will be this Tuesday 7th July at 7.30pm at Christ Church


Open Doors Require Volunteers
Open Doors is a project which runs every Tuesday evening in the Forecourt area providing a hot meal and a gospel message for the homeless or for those who just need a safe place to come to. They would welcome additional volunteers particularly to engage with those people who attend. If you are interested in knowing more, please see Tony Found or leave your name with Reception 01262 404100


Boys Will be Men.
Under the excellent leadersgip of Tony Found the Boys’ Brigade continues to flourish. The annual display on the 21st May was a huge success. The highlight of the evening for me was the sword fencing display carried out by the older boys. It was good to see the boys taking part and enjoying the sport. The younger boys entertained us with David and Goliath and a song.

These young men seem to thrive on the Boys’ Brigade discipline, ordered ways. The boys received awards and badges for work completed during the year. These young people are our future. Tony Found is preparing the September programme and needs your help, your skills experiences, and stories are badly needed, please contact reception if you can help. Many thanks


Come and Support your New Curate
Revd Dave Chislett at St Mark’s West Hill

on Thursday July 9th, 2009 at 7.30pm

As he is licensed by the Bishop of Hull
as Assistant Curate of Christ Church
and of Bessingby with special responsibility for Bessingby


Our sincere thanks to you all, and God for his provision. Thank you for all your prayers and support at this sad time after the loss of Keith’s mother. We value all your words and prayers. “God is our rock always”
Yours in Christ
Keith, Judith and Clare Sturgess


Items for Network News
If you could please submit any articles for Network News 12 days before the Sunday of issue. The deadline is now the second Tuesday before issue. The deadline for the September issue is Tuesday 25th August. Confused ? - call at or phone reception 01262 404100 and ask for a schedule which contains all the deadline dates

Open Air Service
There will be an Open Air Service at Ebor Flats on Saturday 11th July at 1pm. During the service “The Father's Love Letter” will be distributed. For further information please see Rob Parker


for people who are currently homeless or in hard times.
The Drop-In is between 11.00 and 12.00 each day where anyone can have a chat about housing, money, food or other basics.
Sometimes we help people out with food or clothing and maybe a sleeping bag.
If you can help in any way it would be great!
You can leave contributions of food or clothing in the marked tub at the back of church; or you can make a financial donation to Doorstep via Bev Hall, Ben Comberford, Shirley Holdsworth, Vikki Mitchell, Anne Hinchliffe or Stuart Anderson
Thank you.


The Alpha Launch Supper

Monday 28th September 2009
at 7.00pm

In the Forecourt

To register complete a form or

Tel 01262 404100


One for your diary

Releasing the Kingdom 2

Conference at Christ Church, Bridlington
with Andy Hall

Friday 9th & Saturday 10th October


Saturday 11th July
Martongate Community Church Summer Fayre 10am to 12.30pm at North
Bridlington Library. Bric-a-brac; Home Produce; Cakes and Home Made Jams; Jewellery; Cards and Wrapping Paper; Books and Videos; Tea and Coffee Come and browse round the different stalls or call in for a coffee/tea and chat in a friendly atmosphere Admission is Free

Saturday 18th July
Family Fun Day for all in the Christ Church Network. 12.30pm to 4.00pm Fun day out for all the family. Bouncy castle, BBQ, Children’s fun & games,
Live music, sports activities, &much much more
Site entrance 50p or £1 for family of 4

The Parenting Book By Nicky and Sila Lee

Best selling Authors of The Marriage Book

How can we develop a family identity?

How can we meet our childrens' deepest needs?

How and where do we set the boundaries?

How can we pass on our values to our children?

Drawing from their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of the highly successful Marriage Course, bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. Full of valuable advice and practical tips. The Parenting Book is a resourse for parents to come back to again and again.

"Provides real insights into how to be a good parent."
Bear Gryllis

"I would recommend it to any parent wanting to do the best they can for their child."
Natasha Kaplinsky

"Easy to read format, a really helpful resource for parents with children between 0 and 18 years. Excellent value at £7=99. I wish it had been written 30 years ago !!!."

Rosemary Gillespie

The Curate writes…

Dear All
Jonathon wrote in the network news of June 2009 that ‘We are in a time where God is calling us to increased prayer’. Absolutely. My favourite prayer is the one Jesus taught his followers. It’s a wise way of life and speaks of many things all of which you have probably heard of lots. Its worth dwelling on again and immersing ourselves in God and His great purpose of the coming Kingdom of God. Just a few more brief thoughts as I pack up the house ready to move down!

It begins Our Father. Among the things to notice is of course a profound sense of intimacy and care. We have a good idea of what a good father is – even if we have not had an earthly model for various reasons – and know that God is good. We need to dwell in God’s love for us. We are of such value to Him, Jesus paid the highest price for us. Along with other phrases in the prayer, it is not individualistic. Yes our faith is deeply personal, but not private – and it also has a core understanding of unity together with love for one another. This love is such that folk can know we are His disciples because of it. I’ve heard that preferences divide folk – but purpose and vision unites. Let’s continue in unity and seek His kingdom first and praise Him together especially in our services. We are His children and heirs.

May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Wow! What an astonishing thought. Endless in fact, there is always more to consider and marvel at. Jesus preaching and ministry seemed always to be about that – “Repent – The Kingdom of God is near!” plus the healings and simple strong teaching. And of course where folk live God’s life giving ways day to day, in attitude and ambition, in relationships and more – then God’s will is being done more and more. Bridlington, West Hill – The world is groaning for it.

Of major importance is forgiveness. It is to be relentless, from the heart and not begrudging. In Matthew’s gospel Jesus follows up the prayer with emphasizing forgiveness. He knows what folk are like! Yes it can be hard – so in Luke’s gospel, persistence in prayer is linked with daily bread. Deeper than food, its also about fullness of the Holy Spirit – look at the story after the Lord’s prayer in Luke 11, its about perseverance in getting bread – and the conclusion in verses 11- 13. We absolutely need Him to be Jesus disciples in deed and word and need not be afraid.

Testing, persecution, these also come to Jesus disciples and we ought not to be surprised at that. Yet God is sovereign. He can refine us through it and His glory shown – take a look at 2 Cor 12v9 as an example.

Let’s all draw close to Father Son and Holy Spirit, seek His kingdom first, seek it with persistence and determination. God loves the world and wants everyone to be saved.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Vall Taylor's Latest From Romania

Val Taylor writes...

Well it was good to see Anthony, Nick and Mark, it just went so quickly. I’m sure they will have things to share… so just a brief update.

The eleventh hour brought great things. Our first gift came from Womens’ Weekly for the access followed with more help from Christ Church members, and also gifts from other places. We have the access opened. Recorded I understand there are other legal papers to be done, but the gate is open. We have a new address. The factory owner has said why didn’t we do this four years ago… what a change of heart. Much work was going on while the lads were here. I’m sure they will tell you we have the start of a toilet for those who need wheelchair entrance.

The work with our friends Joseph has had a few set backs but great he continues to grow. Many came while our lads were there. Anthony did us proud in music and a young person Andrea. Don’t know what instrument she played but was good and I was amazed the way they played together. It was a real blessing.

The house we are building now has the frame for the roof. We were given some windows, the family are happy in the house we bought or helped to buy ,Josephs set back... his wife miscarried and the hospital needed paying. He had to borrow the money and the man wants it back. He has a chance to sell his house and it will leave him with about 60 pounds. He will have to leave the village and go and live somewhere else and take his children out of school. It is so cruel to think of the position these dear people are in and many are in this place with no help or compassion. They borrow a pound say and the cost almost doubles daily and may have to go somewhere else to borrow more. So one pound could end up being 100 pounds and you cant do anything. Someone else will buy Joseph’s house so he can stay indefinitely.

His children will continue in school. He will take care of the house. He asked how long could he stay till he goes to heaven and as long as his children need a home.
Please pray,
· for the work for these men, the best way to go to help them
· a little girls eye to be healed,
· a change in the government corruption to be exposed
· a fair deal for the poor
· a change in medical help There seems so much.
· for my time here and the way forward,
· new life in the church
· a healing for the people
· a new mind set to come out of the past
· and trust God for change.
· Marianna with liver problems.

The list is endless. Well I did say I would be brief. Good job I didn't have a lot to say. Miss you all. Again thank you. Seems so little to say but what you are doing is good Kingdom building.

God bless you

Friday, 19 June 2009

House of Prayer

Every Tues, Wed & Thu
Quiet Time 9am to 10am (except Tues no quiet time)
Short service 10am to 10.30am
Coffee Break 10.30am to 11.00am
Prayers 11.00am to 12.00noon
Wed 1st July
Healing On The Streets Steve Frazer
Thu 2nd July
The Nations Mike & Shirley Green
Tue 7th July
Prayers Neil MacKay
Wed 8th July
Prayers Joy Hensman
Thu 9th July
Prayers Mike & Shirley Green
Tue 14th July
Prayers Mike & Shirley Green
Wed 15th July
Finance Stuart Anderson
Thu 16th July
Community Outreach Dept Beverley Hall

Now closed for the Summer Break. House of Prayer will re-open on Tuesday 8th September 2009

Please pray for…

(a) Jonathan & Anne
(b) Sarah and John as they get married
(c) Daniel Clarke as he leaves to work in South Africa for the next year
(d) The Furniture Store team
(e) for those ill…
If you know of anyone who is ill please inform reception

(f) Val Taylor in Romania
(g) The Archbishop of York as he considers responses from the diocese on the homosexual debate
(h) Church Finances
(i) Multiplication of Small Groups
(j) All who attended the Bridlington Is Good News at Spa yesterday
(k) Yorkshire Prayer Conference in York
(l) Dave Chislett as he is licensed as new curate and his wife Deb and kids Rebecca and Michael
(m) Women’s Weekly
(n) Family Fun Day in July
(o) Darron as he starts his new job
(p) Donald who regularly visits Healing On The Streets and the doctors have said he is going blind
(q) Those who have responded to Purpose Driven Life that God may help them to develop the new things they have learned

Becoming an 'in everything' prayer

One Christian author writes: “Often when I pray, I don’t talk to God about things I’m really thinking about because they don’t sound very spiritual. So I’ll pray about world peace, or the missionaries, or something like that. But my mind keeps wandering back to what’s really on my heart.

The solution to this wandering-mind problem is contained in this phrase: ‘In everything.’ I must pray what is in me, not what I wish was in me. Praying wht’s really in my heart is an ‘in everything’ kind of prayer. I don’t wait to clean up my motives or try to sound more spiritual than I am. I pray what’s really in me. If you’re going to grow in prayer and overcome worry, you must begin by becoming an ‘in everything’ pray-er.

Whether your request is large or small, whether your motives are mixed or pure, whether what you ask is wise or foolish, God can sort it all out. You can trust Him to respond wisely. He’s not going to give you something foolishly. But you’ve got to learn to hold your prayer loosely and trust that God doesn’t answer it the way you want it to be answered.

He knows what He’s doing; He has very good reasons. It’s such a simple thing to go through your day asking God, ‘What’s the one thing needed that you have for me in this moment?’ And when He reveals it to you, you need to do it!’ Don’t debate, don’t rationalise, don’t postpone. Whoever you are, whatever your background, starting this moment you can do it. You can become an ‘in everything’ pray-er.

This is the reading for today from UCB “Word For Today” for Sunday 5th July. You can get the readings for everyday from the back of church. First one is free, then 50p per copy. See Anne Couper for further details or ring 01262 404100. Find todays reading at

The UCB Notes also incorporate “Bible in a Year Reading” which gives a Bible reading plan to read the whole Bible in one year

Traidcraft Fighting Poverty Through Trade

This year marks 30 years of Tradecraft. Brenda Fermor who runs our Christ Church Bridlington Stall has received a letter of heartfelt form Tradecraft thanking all our customers. Please continue to support the stall at the Beacon Café.

From April 2008 to March 2009 total purchases form the stall was £521.84. Many thanks to all those who have purchased.

If anyone would like to help with Traidcraft please contact Reception 01262 404100

Open Doors Require Volunteers

Open Doors is a project which runs every Tuesday evening in the Forecourt area at Christ Church, Bridlington, providing a hot meal and a gospel message for the homeless or for those who just need a safe place to come to. They would welcome additional volunteers particularly to engage with those people who attend. If you are interested in knowing more, please see Tony Found or leave your name with Reception 01262 404100

Thursday, 18 June 2009

£20.00 PER ½ HOUR
(FOR A 3.5 TON VAN & 2 MEN)

TEL 01262 673268

BELONGING... it's so essential!

God’s original directive was that, “it is not good for man to be alone”.
This is the basis of society and is designed by God to meet a vital human need. So families, clans, tribes, and indeed most social groupings all hold to this intrinsic value of “being together”.

In God’s redeemed community, the Church, we are part of it by God’s inclusion (a spiritual reality) but the true value of it is when we make the effort to join with others (thus making it an earthly reality).

Many years ago I spoke with a fellow school teacher about attending church. His point was that you didn’t need to go Church to be a Christian. My point was that if you wanted to play Rugby you had to join with other enthusiasts and form a team, you can’t play by yourself! Real New Testament life means we have to meet together and share what God has and will give us.

Attending a congregation on a Sunday gives the opportunity to be part of a team; but to follow the Rugby analogy further, training - where strength and skill are developed in a small group context - is also vital for the balance and growth in a team’s overall performance.
We learn who we are in a social context, primarily in a group setting particularly in a supportive and caring framework, like a Housegroup.

We believe that God wants us to increase the number of Small Groups within the Christ Church Network.

Consider what the centre of CHURCH is – YOU ARE! (under the Lordship of Jesus). Has this really sunk in yet?

As the summer break comes round shortly use this time to think:

Am I a regular team member of a Congregation?

Isn’t it time for me to be part of a Housegroup, or be a Housegroup Leader?

September, or before, would be a good time to have some positive answers.

For Housegroup questions please contact: Neil Mackay, Small Groups Pastor.

If biblical headlines were written by today’s media:
On feeding the 5,000….

Disciples Mystified Over Behaviour

On the Red Sea Crossing:
Pursuing Environmentalists Killed

On Elijah on Mount Carmel:
400 Killed




10 A.M. TO 12.30 P.M.

At North Bridlington library

Bric-a-brac; Home Produce; Cakes and Home Made Jams; Jewellery; Cards and Wrapping Paper; Books and Videos; Tea and Coffee

Come and browse round the different stalls or call in for a coffee/tea and chat in a friendly atmosphere

Admission is Free

At the heart of this, is a desire to facilitate Yorkshire folk to pray for Yorkshire and the nation and the world. Yorkshire has experienced major upheavals in some of its cities and other changes in the ethos of the nation has had effects within families, churches and businesses.
There is however still some social cohesion and spirituality which enables this conference to take place. We welcome all those who wish to pray to Jesus for our county, nation and world to attend the University Theatre in York. It seats under 2,000 people, so we are asking for those whom God is calling to join us to register at a cost of £5, so we can ensure everyone can get a place.
The nature of the conference is worship and prayer and delegates are free to come and go as they want.
Booking is to Mrs Janet Crane, 174 Long Street, Easingwold, North Yorkshire YO61 3JD. (enclose details of your name and address plus tel no/ email together with a cheque for £5 made payable to Yorkshire Prayer Conference).
If you would like to support this event financially, your donation would be very gratefully received. Donations to Yorkshire Prayer Conference Sort Code 20-26-55 Account number 23924319

Thursday Morning Communion

Please note that the 10am Thursday morning Celebration of Holy Communion at Christ Church will be continuing throughout August led by Father Michael Chaffey

Fusion - A Student Mission

Over the last 12 years, Fusion has been equipping churches across the UK to engage with student mission and discipleship. They now partner with 200 churches.

The ministry of Fusion emerged in 1997 as a response to a shared vision across the body of Christ to address the challenges of a changing student world. God’s passion is for a dynamic student movement, one that will see Universities and colleges won for Christ.

Recent figures suggest that there are 2.3 million students in the UK. Student numbers have increased over 700% in the last 40 years and the government has set a target of 50% of all young people in Higher Education by 2010. Less than 2% of students are actively involved in church. Fusion’s mission is to reach every student with the gospel, initially in the UK and then beyond. If you would like further information visit

If you are going off to university or are already in further education and would like further information regarding the work of Fusion please leave your details at reception 01262 404100

Women's Weekly Programme

Jul 7th Elaine Broadbent
Jul 14th Strawberry Tea (last meeting until Aug 18th)
Aug18th Summer Special Binding Together
Sep 1st Open Meeting

Come & join us for coffee & our meeting at 10.30am every Tuesday in the Forecourt.

All ladies welcome!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

It is the Lord It's Me by Kate Epton

Sometimes I sit in silence
I close my eyes and pray
I long to hear your voice
And see your lovely face.
I wonder Lord so often
How it is you would appear
And what your voice would sound like
If you whispered in my ear.
And as I meditated on your word
A thought then came to mind
As I sat and prayed so peacefully
Your answer I did find.
You taught me how to listen
And simply not to hear
You told me not just to look
But to see and to adhere
You showed me all the wondrous things
That each day I let pass me by
The things we take for granted
The things that make us smile.
For when we hear the breeze
Gently rustling through the trees
You to me Lord so definitely
The sounds you hear are me
Each tree that stands so mighty
And dressed with every leaf
Isn’t planted by accident
They are all are here by me
And gentle sound of buzzing
of summer honey bees
All are of your purpose and of use
And all created just by me.
Sweet sounds are all around us
As morning chorus comes your way
And every little feathered friend
I bless each break of day
Fragrant flowers in abundance
All blossom for my pleasure
Each petal I’ve made so carefully
Each one for you to treasure
New buds will always open
In springtime once again
I breathed them life, yes it is I
I your Lord the same
And as a new born baby
Cries out at its birth
It is my very own masterpiece
To bring new life to earth
And when you see the rains
Come sprinkling to the ground
Give praise that I have sent them
Do not look up and frown
For I the lord I bless you
And give you water to survive
To drink to wash and use as you will
The need life has to thrive
The sun the rain the snow and all
Are all necessary to my plan
You need the elements and much more
And every bird and beast and man
From a tiny ant
To gigantic bear
Every fish that swims
Every bird in pair
All is here at my will
Each town and city and nation
They’re not just here, just by chance
They are mine the Lord’s creation
The sun and moon have their purpose
Stars, not simply to pattern the sky
They are here as I allowed them
And I am the Lord am I.
And as the sea rushes to the shore
To meet a pebbled beach
Listen to it’s sound and see it in all its guise
And then you’ll know, I am within your reach
And if you fell overwhelming love
And joy and peace within
Don’t think it’s mere contentment
Remember it is the Lord, remember it’s him.
And as every new day dawns
And night falls dark at close
Ponder for a little while
And remember it’s you I chose
No day was left unaccounted
Provisions were made for all
To allow each spring to lead to summer
And each winter to follow fall
We each all were chosen
To live our time on earth
With all our days allotted
From our very birth
So let us praise and thank our lord
For all we have and do
For everything he has given
To the likes of me and you
And so now if I sit in silence
And close my eyes and pray
I know I can hear your voice
And see creation in your face.
Because you my Lord are all around us
In all this life that we have come to know
In all we see and in all we hear
And everywhere we go
Tank you Lord for being here
And holding us so tight
From morning dawn, throughout the day
And when we say goodnight.
So now I can hear you, Lord
And see you all around
The gentle rustle in the trees
It is your lovely sound.
And as each new and precious bud
Breathes fresh life for us all to see
I hear your voice so softly say
It is I Lord, it’s me.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Summer Fun Time

Summer Fun Time !!

Christ Church Hall, Forecourt, Pre-School and enclosed outdoor play area

Summer Fun for under 5's and their parents/carers
(brothers and sisters up to 9 welcome too!)

Every Wednesday in August from 10.30am to 12.30pm
  • Soft Play for under fives

  • Activities for 5 - 8s

  • Outside play for under fives

  • Baby Toys

  • Craft for everyone

  • Refreshments (small charge)


Booking forms available at reception 01262 404100 or at

God Hears

Frenchman Lluis Colet took his gift of the gab to extremes in January this year after setting a world record for the longest talk. The local government worker spoke non-stop for 124 hours (five days and four hours) about the Spanish painter Salvador Dali and Catalan culture. Pity the judges who had to sit through it—and stay awake.

With nearly 6.8 million people on the planet there are a lot of words being spoken. But do you ever feel sometimes that no one’s listening? That everyone’s so busy that friendships have been reduced to text messages, e mails and diary entries?

Well, please know that, in amongst all the speaking, texting, twittering, emailing and junk mail… in amongst all the electronic buzz and crackle… God still hears you. When you feel overwhelmed, or misheard, or not heard at all, God knows your needs. He loves you and when you come to him in frustration or desperation or just quiet despondency, he is there. He is listening.

If you’ve never spoken to God then God is ready to listen to you right now. And even if you do know God as a friend but have been out of touch for a while, God is still ready to listen. The Bible has this to say about the wonder of communing with God:

“In the same way, he (Holy Spirit) helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” (Romans 8:26)

Sometimes when things are really, really bad we just don’t know what to say to God. All we can do is groan in our inner being as we come to Him in prayer.

Jesus groaned too when he was crucified upon the cross—bearing the weight of all our sins on his shoulders. That’s an intensely loving and caring God who is personally affected by the troubles of this world. God who is personally affected by the troubles of this world. God is not distant and unmoved by your situation. He sent Jesus into the world to help you.

So you don’t need fancy words. You don’t need to wait until Sunday. You don’t need a prayer book. Instead, speak from the heart. Be honest. Take your troubles to Jesus, put them at His feet and trust that He is in control.

Prayer: Dear God, you know my troubles, they are too many to list. Please forgive me. Please help me.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Friday, 12 June 2009

Church Politics From a Cynic ....

How would the Church of England deal with the statement that "the cat sat on the mat" if it appeared in the Bible?

The liberal theologians would point out that such a passage did not of course mean that the cat literally sat on the mat. Also, cat and mat had different meanings in those days from today, and anyway, the text should be interpreted according to the customs and practices of the period.

This would lead to an immediate backlash from the Evangelicals. They would make it an essential condition of faith that a real physical, living cat, being a domestic pet of the species Domesticus, and having a whiskered head, a furry body, four legs and a tail, did physically place its whole body on a floor covering, designed for that purpose, and which is on the floor but not of the floor. The expression "on the floor but not of the floor" would be explained in a leaflet.

Meanwhile, the Catholics would have developed the Feast of the Sedentation of the Blessed Cat. This would teach that the cat was white, and majestically reclined on a mat of gold thread before its assumption to the Great Cat Basket of Heaven. This is commemorated by singing the "Magnificat" and "Felix namque", lighting three candles, and ringing a bell five times.

This would cause a schism with the Orthodox Church which believes tradition requires Holy Cats Days (as it is colloquially known), to be marked by lighting SIX candles and ringing the bell FOUR times. This would partly be resolved by the Cuckoo Land Declaration recognising the traditional validity of each.

Eventually the House of Bishops would issue a statement on the Doctrine of the Feline Sedentation. It would explain, traditionally the text describes a domestic feline quadruped superjacent to an unattached covering on a fundamental surface. For determining its salvific and eschatological significations, we follow the heuristic analytical principles adopted in dealing with the Canine Fenestration Question (How much is that doggie in the window?) and the Affirmative Musaceous Paradox (Yes, we have no bananas). And so on, for another 210 pages.

The General Synod would then commend this report as helpful resource material for clergy to explain to the man in the pew the difficult doctrine of the cat sat on the mat

Back To Church Sunday

What is Back to Church Sunday?

BACK to Church Sunday started in England in 2004 and has spread around the world, bringing thousands of people back to church.

On the last Sunday of September, Anglicans ask a friend or relative if they would like to go to church with them. If the answer is yes, they accompany the person to church and stay with them during the service. This year it’s on
Sunday 27th September and will take place at all services across the Christ Church Network. Further details will follow next month.

Letter sent to Archbishop of York

Dear Archbishop,
The PCC have met and also the church congregation. The following is the considered prayerful response to the DVD issued to us a month or so ago. It is the unanimous response of the PCC to which the church congregation is very happy to agree.

Conclusions of Christ Church Bridlington PCC

1. How we relate to practising homosexuals in the church.
Our church mission is based on three important premises Belong, Believe, Behave. We will continue to relate to homosexuals in the same way that we relate to those heterosexuals who have an immoral lifestyle . We will welcome and be open to all, but we will not entrust any church responsibility, which has leadership or pastoral responsibility to those who may belong, believe but not behave. We expect those in any leadership role to hold to the values of Christ Church in general and in particular the traditional teaching of the Bible.

2. Our comments on the DVD
We heard with concern the stories told, but find this has also increased our anxiety that there is a hidden agenda to change the doctrine of the church and dismiss important teaching in the scriptures defining same sex sexual relationships as sin. We would have liked testimonies by those who used to be homosexuals but are now no longer in that orientation after prayer or counselling, and those who have suffered at the hands of the homosexual lobby (lost jobs, broken families, etc).

In addition the church has asked I table to you some further questions which I have. The Church congregation felt these were important questions which deserved an answer, but desired that they should be distinct from our response to the DVD as they fall outside the listening process brief. I and they would like a written response so your answers can be published for them to read.
.(a) Would the church be in breach of the European discrimination act if it continues to hold to biblical teaching on homosexuality. Are we allowed to preach what the bible says?
(b) Are bishops able to discipline immoral clergy (whether heterosexual or homosexual)? Is there both the will and the power to do it?
(c). Why is the church not exposing the flaws in the Kinsey report and the variance of views even within the homosexual community? *.
(d) What guidance is the church giving to those who want to steer a moral path in their sexual behaviour? The PCC view is that once we drift from the Bible teaching, we have no basis to define as wrong other sexual practices which the practitioner feels is right, and we are not able to state the truth which brings people to repentance and life; nor can we be the salt we need to be in the communities of our land where there is so much brokenness and confusion. We need clear affirmations of the biblical truth so that safe clear places of refuge can be found for those searching for spiritual life and truth in our land.
(e) Are we able to refuse to teach homosexuality as a lifestyle alongside heterosexual lifestyle in our church schools? Is there any plan for our teaching in schools to openly teach the traditional teaching of the Bible in the area of sexual behaviour.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Couper
Vicar Christ Church Bridlington


* (a)Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948, firmly in the pre-modern era. His “scientific” findings were likened to the Atomic bomb in effect -that 98% of men and roughly half of women had had premarital sex, 95% of American men were legally sex offenders and 10% or more of men were largely homosexual. And, while no one noted that 317 infants and children were "tested" for Kinsey's child sex data, educators repeated his conclusions that children were sexual from birth, hence school sex education should be mandatory.
That his 5,300 research subjects included 26% sex offenders, 25% prisoners, 4% prostitutes and very worryingly children This seemed not to be noticed at the time.His investigators included known paedophiles, as revealed by Kinsey himself: “Better data came from adult males who have had sexual contacts with younger boys and who, with their adult backgrounds, are able to recognize and interpret the boys' experiences”. Judith Reisman, Kinsey, Sex and Fraud (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House, 1990).

(b) Various views:-
Homosexuality is a biologically determined orientation and is a justice issue, not a moral issue. – e.g Gene Robinson and ECUSA –.
Homosexuality is a biologically determined orientation and is a moral issue.
Homosexuality is a practice motivated by psychological issues, not an orientation as defined above and is a justice issue eg. Peter Tatchell
Homosexuality is a practice motivated by psychological issues, not an orientation as defined above and is a moral issue e.g. African church

Trisha's News

I arrived in UK on June 3rd after problem free journey. Great to be reuntied with my parents again who seem well.

I will be at Redcliffe College in Gloucester from June 15th - July 3rd for an intensive Summer School for my MA in Global Issues in Contemporary Mission. I have done the preliminary reading so the MA proper is now about to start. Pray that at my age I can once again settle into study and carve out the necessary time needed for study particularly when I return to Sudan.

While I am in UK please pray for security and well being in Maridi of my house, staff, animals and vehicle.SWINE FLUI am due back in Maridi on August 4th. Pray I can enter Uganda, then Sudan as they are threatening to refuse entry to those coming from countries where there is Swine Flu.

The Following Jesus Course I have written has been translated into Arabic as well as English and is now being printed. From August 12th - 13th I will train leaders how to use the Course then all parishes in the Diocese will start the three month Course from the second week of September.

Bishop Justin, the Bishop of Maridi Diocese, has told me that the most important role in my work as a Canon is to be close to him and advise him and help him to keep the Church in the Diocese on God's path as it develops. What a priviledge.FUNDINGThe money for my programme of Theological Education by Extension has now finished so I have nothing for that or my new role in Discipleship Training. I don't even have money to pay for my driver Wilson's salary (which is £130 per month). Pray that God will provide as I seek donors. My work is funded separately from the money which is given to CMS for my personal support.

I have various appointments while in UK. Pray that I have a clean bill of health and that this will continue. God has been so good at keeping me ingood health while in Sudan.HOLIDAYWhen I have finished my MA Summer School I will be going to Devon for a holiday with my parents and we also hope to visit relatives who live in the south.

If you wish to contact me before July 31st please contact 01262 404100. As it is not Home Leave I am unable to visit churches but it wouldbe great to chat on the phone.

I am very aware of so much prayer support and am so grateful for this as well as ongoing financial support. Thank you.

This is very fragile. The Government in Southern Sudan has refused to accept the results of a Census which was taken last year. This may affectelections which are due in February 2010. In 2011 there is a referendum when the people of Southern Sudan will vote as to whether to stay part of a united Sudan or whether the South wil separate and become self governing. There are still problems with the Lord's Resistance Army and other rebel groups which are destabilising the South. Pray for God's over ruling in all this. The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for the President of Sudan but it has yet to be carried out.

With best wishes,Trisha Wick