Friday 2 October 2009

The Vicar writes...

Dear All,

We are all designed to be disciples of Jesus Christ, but becoming a disciple of Jesus is a process.

(a) Disciples are made. We are shaped. When we first become a Christian we are called a convert to Christianity. We then start to relate with God and seek to obey Him. This road of obedience is the way we are shaped to becoming disciples “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men”Mark 1:17 “Go and make disciples..teaching them to obey all I have commanded you” Matt 28:20. The disciple seeks to obey Jesus, so this is why Jesus describes the disciple as someone who holds the truth (John 8:31) and seeks to obey it in life (disciple experience), and we will then inherit the blessing of being a disciple of Jesus. Neil Mackay in the small group teaching this session has much helpful material about this, and I hope you are being blessed as you use this in your small group.

(b) We are not shaped to being a disciple without belonging to the church. Discipleship happens in the going, in the movement of our seeking to obey Jesus (Come follow me). This movement always has a church link, because God’s purpose is through His people corporate. The direction a church is taking is a crucial element to your discipleship. God’s people must be the primary place where discipleship happens

c) Discipleship happens as we move off our own agenda towards God’s agenda. Discipleship does involve saying no to self and yes to God. This will arise in church as well as elsewhere. Disciples feel the demands church or their conscience ( a call rarely looks like from God at the time) and the disciple make a choice to respond to them rather than ignore them or run away from them. This is often the crucible of discipleship.

d) Teaching does help us. When teaching has a practical application and is inspirational it will be foundational for the shaping of our discipleship . Discipleship is more than relating to God’s will in the circumstances that surround us, it is also in relating to God (Come follow me). Teaching which introduces us to God and nurtures our relationship with God is crucial in our becoming disciples of Jesus. Equipping for Life course which we start this month is part of this for us now.

E) There is no discipleship without choices and decisions. The true disciple makes those choices and decisions within his/her relationship with God. If we “go off “God , we are not able to do this. A disciple has to get back on track with God and deal in his/her heart with whatever `has caused the straying from the road of discipleship. For some the discipleship course this month will be God’s way of getting back on track with God.

f) There is no discipleship without God. Sometimes we can stay in the same “obedience “ of yesterday when God is calling us to move . The heart that is seeking God’s presence, rather than doing a job without reference to God, is likely to move forward in discipleship. The ones doing a job because deep down they think they can (i.e. without really listening to God about it) are likely to be stunted in their own personal growth with God. Just saying “I know” but not learning or seeing anything new. Revelation is the first thing a disciple needs, for how can we follow Jesus unless we see where He is and what He is doing (this comes by revelation rather than rational debate). Stunted Disciples will need to recapture what it is to be hungry after God and attending this conference may have that effect , after which Jesus may be allowed back into the part of His vineyard where the work is, and as a result discipleship is kick-started again.

g) Discipleship starts with an encounter with God and grows through our continued relationship with Him . There should be more encounters with God, (for there is no real relationship unless we and God meet from time to time), and there will also be instruction which aligns us more to the heart of God, for we cannot walk with God unless we are agreed and it is a learning process learning how to relate to God our maker and redeemer who speaks to us from a place beyond where the eye can see or the mind can fully comprehend. The Discipleship course will be for others a deepening in their walk with God and a source of increased confidence in serving Him.

h) Discipleship shaping and equipping is speeded up considerably once we have learnt to abide in the presence of God. This also happens to be the major truth God is leading us as a church with and we think He might have shown us a key to revival in the nation. If you missed my sermon on Ruth this month (6pm 20th September Christ Church) , see if you can get a copy from Steve F.

May God continue to lead us,


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