Monday 19 October 2009

Martongate Community Church

The Bridlington Half Marathon.

On a beautiful Sunday on 18th October at 12-00 noon I ran the Bridlington half marathon (13.1 miles) along with 800 runners. The view across the bay from the leisure world was at it’s best with Flamborough cliffs reflecting the suns rays. I am sure we all felt good. The gun sounded and we all set off, up Limekiln Lane, along Wheatley drive, turning right along Martongate up to Flamborough. It is so easy to get caught up with the pace of the race, The first four miles are critical as to how you finish the race, and when everybody else is overtaking you, you need something to tell you that you are doing o.k. I run with a heart monitor which gives me feed back as to the pace I am running, I then can make a decision if I can sustain the pace I am going till the end of the race.

As we follow God’s calling on our lives we also need something to monitor our hearts, that is why prayer is so important, that is why reading the Bible is so important, that is why listening to God is crucial, when many others are dashing in front of us, and wonderful things are happening to others we need to be patient and accept that God knows what is best for you, when everybody else appears to be running the race so effortlessly listen to your heart, not what you see around you, monitor your own condition, that is the key to finishing the race, pace yourself so that burn out will not leave you exhausted.

If anybody knows the road from Flamborough to Bempton and the first part of Bempton lane it is all very steep. I arrived at Flamborough in pretty good shape (4 miles) and prepared for the steep climb that lay ahead, I ate some jelly babies and drank some water (Jelly babies are a good intake when running) before I started the steep inclines which is the most difficult part of the run. Mile markers helped to let us know how we were progressing, how encouraging to see the 5, 6, 7 mile markers come and go. We all need encouraging on our journey, we should prepare ourselves for when the going gets tough: Psalm 23 Even when I walk through the darkest valley I will not be afraid for you are close beside me (N.L.T.) The word ‘even’ brings so much comfort and reassurance and hope for us all, for although we may not recognise the Lord in difficult times He is with us, Your rod and Staff protect and comfort me.

The 8 mile marker was such a joy, after all the effort of climbing the hills, we viewed Bridlington bay, I am sure you all have seen it from this viewpoint, but when you have struggled to reach the top and the wind is blowing into your hot face the sense of God’s awesome goodness, creates within you a glow knowing that you have stayed the course, never given up, proceeded along the journey. James Ch 1 v 2 -4 ‘Dear Brothers and Sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow.’ We do not test out our fitness running down hill, it is tested when running up hill. Our faith isn’t tested when the going is easy it is tested when the going is tough, and we should welcome this testing with great joy.

It’s all down hill now, the 10 mile marker outside Headlands school, people are struggling with cramp and fatigue; through part of Sewerby park - I am encouraged when Margaret and Bryan (her Grandson) are there to give support. Out onto the sea front, the finish in sight only two more miles, I am on schedule for my best ever time for this distance, I am in the last 100 still running but I have done the best I can. Cramp is coming into my legs but I am overtaking some who maybe started the race to quickly. The home straight - I am running past the Expanse Hotel; Angela and members of my family are cheering and encouraging, Julia is there Ken and Anne and their son John (who completed the race in 1 hour 50min) all cheering. The man on the loud speaker system saw my race number looked it up on the list and encouraged by calling out my name, as did others who do not know me or knew my name. The race was run in my best time. Did I fail because I didn’t win? No. Did I fail because I came in the last 100 approximately? No. Do those who know and love me need to look up my name on a list? No. When you have run the race and did of your very best, do you think the Lord will need to look up your name on a list? No.

He knows every hair on your head, and He is with you always wherever you are on your journey through this life.

You need Pace, listening to the Lord, Patience, to wait on the Lord and Perseverance, through trusting in the Lord.

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