Friday 31 July 2009

God said you cannot kill (Exodus 20:13), and he who is angry with someone is as guilty of murder as someone who commits that crime (Matthew 5:21,22; 1 John 3:15), and because of his anger is going to be impaired in his judgements and perceptions .

The bible does however say that nations have the right to kill humans when bringing justice to restrain evil and bring true justice (Romans 13); and we have the dispensation to kill animals for food (Genesis 9). The irony about our current legal position is that we outlawed capital punishments for crimes, and in the next decade introduced killing to the maternity wards of our nation by legalising abortion. Since that landmark ruling there has been pressure on so-called mercy killing of the infirm adult with increasing publicity in a compassionate sort of way on those who decide to take their own life in assisted suicide.

Within this debate there is an assumption that we have a right to take our own life when we choose to; just as mothers can decide when to end the lives of their unborn children. The Bible would say we have no such right, but in our godless society I quite expect there to come about some allowance of assisted suicide. The one thing that prevents it now is that if the law changed, there would be the real possibility of pressure being brought by professional or family on a helpless infirm person to be murdered legally.

I would like to know if we are currently complying with the view that we should not have assisted suicide because of the occasions when the person could be killed when they do not want to die, why does this same argument not apply to abortion also? No unborn child wants to die! Wouldn’t it be great if politicians revisited some of the foundations on which our nation stands now and returns to biblical foundations. It would help strengthen our society and stabilize our nation.


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